After a day of rest on Wednesday, we (the kids and I) drove to Lloydminster to visit Evelyn's good friend Juliana, her brother Evan, and her Mom Jennifer. We made the drive in 2 hrs and 45 min and arrived around 10 am. The girls enjoyed their time together. They did a lot of puzzles and played with their brothers. After lunch, everyone but Evelyn had a nap (she slept in the car on the way there) and I got a migraine complete with nausea, light and noise sensitivity. I think it was just from driving. Anyway, I laid down for a bit and took some Tylenol and Advil. The Advil really helped and I was ready to join the world again around 2:30.

After Juliana woke up, the girls did some much anticipated and much enjoyed puddle stomping. When we visited in March, the snow was melting and it was very mild. The girls had a blast splashing in the slushy run off. They both remembered and wanted to do it again. Luckily, the weather complied and the day we visited was wet and perfect for puddles.

The boys played together in their own way too. They both tried to conquer and possess a little chair. Over all, Ethan was the more aggressive boy and won that little battle ;-) They also did a bit of parallel play and Ethan played with a doll by hitting it on the head with another toy!
We drove to Cold Lake (about 90 min from Lloydminster) and met Ryan for dinner. We decided to got to Humpty's for dinner. As we pulled in, Evelyn started reciting "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a fall".

Ryan and I looked at each other with a questioning look to say "Have you taught her that?" Neither of us remembers ever reading or reciting that verse to her. I think one of the baby Einsteins recites it, but does not show the picture of Humpty. There is also a Dora episode that shows Humpty, but does not say the verse. So, somehow Evelyn matched the verse and the picture of an Egg on a wall to go together. Kids minds are such sponges!
So, we spent the night with Ryan in his hotel room. Evelyn was awake until 10:30 at least. E

than was up every 2 hrs. They both woke up at about 7 am. It was a GREAT night :-P
wow, Juliana and Evan are like the same age as Evelyn and Ethan! how great!! those boys are SOOOO cute in that picture of just their faces!!! ahhh!!!
and love the puddle picture! you can see the glee on their faces!! I think God made children to teach us simplicity and joy :)
That was such a great day. Juliana and Evelyn really enjoyed playing together. I am glad you had your camera since mine was out of comission that day! See you soon!
LOVE the puddle picture! It's awesome!
too bad your sleep at the hotel didn't go very well :(
Hey, I liked the puddle picture too! Great shot.
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