The past couple days have been intentionally low-key. Ryan took some pictures of Ethan and Evelyn playing in a laundry basket that turned out well. I made a deal with Evelyn that she could play outside after she cleaned her room and put all her puzzle pieces away. I was very impressed with her efforts. She put things where they belonged and tidied her puzzles really well. I like that she knows that everything has a place and can put things back.
We are looking forward to a visit from the Sahota's tomorrow night and Saturday. I hope the weather co-operates and we can visit Long Lake. Evelyn wants to play with the train set with Casey.
On Monday, I have to take the car in for a big maintenance that will take about 4 hrs. Ryan has offered to take the kids. I am VERY excited to have 4 hrs of puttering and window shopping and visiting the chiropractor without kids in tow.
On Wednesday, Ryan will be going to Calgary for another workshop. Thankfully, they are car-pooling so I don't have to drive him.
On Friday, Ryan gets home from Calgary, and we are expecting a visit from the Brands (Juliana's family).
Then, Ryan starts back at school and the next year begins! What happened to the summer?
AMAZING photos!!! you have such photogenic kids Bev!!! and they're all the more cuter now that I've played with them!!! ohh!!! I wish I lived close so I could play with them all the time!!! why don't you and KA move to some tiny town in Southern Ontario and then I'll come and visit you all the time!! :)
looks like you have some busy days ahead!
great posts! did you put them all up on one day?
Only 2.5 and already we are known as Juliana's family! haha
Ha Ha, it starts young! I talk about Juliana on the blog so often, it was just the easiest way to say it.
LOVE the pictures! They are totally awesome! You have been BUSY this summer! What a lot of driving! phew!
Hey Bev,
It looks likeyou guys have had a great time this summer! Alan and I will have to make a trip over to visit you! We are really looking forward to having you as a guest at the wedding!
It will be so nice for you to have some time to yourself. Dawne came home and told me all about her visit and we both agree that we wish you lived here. Once again thank you for the BD cards and gift and the thank you note. Love and kisses to all.
Cute pictures! Thanks for staying in touch through blogs! I'll have to read your more often (though I only do email once every week or two for 45 min) Your kids are so cute :)
You're right...where did the summer go? It goes so fast and we look forward to time off all year.
You'll treasure those pictures, I'm sure.
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