The hatchery supplies trout and wall-eye to the thousands of land locked lakes of Alberta. They harvest the eggs in the wild, and bring them to their facility to grow. The lady who gave the tour was very knowledgeable. She said that they have a 60% survival rate for their eggs compared to about 1% in the wild. She also said that for every dollar spent by the province on the hatchery, $35 is made in sport fishing related activities, equipment and licenses.
When we visited, all the eggs had hatched and the last of the baby fish were maturing. We were encouraged to handle some of the fish. Evelyn loved to catch the smallest ones in a little net. We also
Evelyn has been reading "A Fish out of Water" with us and called the baby fish "Otto" like the fish in the book. When we fed the fish, she was bit concerned that we feed them 'a little, but not a lot' so they would not grow and grow and grow like 'Otto' does. It was pretty cute.
After the Hatchery, we had a late lunch, shopped a bit, then picked up Ryan and drove to the Edmonton Airport (about 3 - 3 1/2 hrs away) to pick up Ryan's sister Dawne.
so adorable!!! she's all concerned about feeding the fish adequately!! what a little heart of compassion!
so nice that you had an hour to sit and read! and followed by a time at the hatchery with happy children! I noticed that this post was tantrum-free - so I'm guessing thing went relatively smoothly in the behavior department at the hatchery! that's great! E is learning the fruit of self-control! :)
love those crafts! they look really fun! and amazing how much $$$ is generated as a result of that hatchery. sounds really informative and fun for the kids too.
Really great craft idea- with the CDs! What a great outing! E is so adorable!
Wow! That looks like it would be fun! I love the bottle fish.
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