We took Tim to the airport yesterday. I think he enjoyed his visit overall, but it was probably a bit boring for him.
We took our kite to the school on Wednesday

and Ryan and Tim (and Evelyn) flew it. It was a perfect day for kite flying. Windy (Duh!) and comfortably warm. Ethan rode the little teeter totter for the first time and went down a slide (with mommy holding him). He loves having his big sister play with him.
Ethan has made some huge developmental strides the past few days. First, he started eating easily dissolved rice crackers, and then cheerios! He loves eating Cheerios. His whole face lights up when

he sees them, then, he grabs at them with a raking motion and stuffs them in his mouth. This is usually finished with a big grin and a look of pride. He will squak to say "more mommy!".
Then, around Wednesday, Ethan started to really move on his belly. He has figured out how to drag himself forward on his belly and he is getting fast! He sees his desired target, and goes straight for it. We have to make sure we keep our gate

closed across the stairs. We don't want him to discover those by accident! I will put him down on the floor across the living room from me with a box of toys to play with. I'll sit down on the couch and about 3 minutes later, Mr. Ethan will be grabbing my ankles and peeking up at me from under the coffee table! He has a huge smile and looks so proud of himself. He even 'came' when Ryan called to him this morning. After he went to Ryan, he asked Ethan "Are you proud of yourself?"

and Ethan replied "Mmm Hmm!" We both looked at him, then each other, "Did you hear that?" Ryan asked him again, and he gave the same reply! He would not do it a third time when I asked him though. He is becoming a real PERSON! It is so cool to watch.

Evelyn went all day yesterday (we were out the whole day) without an accident. She stayed dry and used the public toilets consistently! Yah for Ella! She has also started to use longer sentences. We have trained her to say "May I have some ____ please?" and she can tell you she is 2 years old (though I am not sure she knows what that really means). Last night after we got home (around 10 pm) she put together about 70% of her Barney puzzle by herself. This puzzle is a 24 piece jigsaw puzzle. She looked at what was on the picture, then would pull out all the related pieces, then try to fit them together. I was so impressed by her reasoning skills.

She has started to hum the 'Danube Waltz' when she plays. It must be on a Baby Einstein or something, but she even gets the key change when it moves up in tone a bit. I'll try to get a video of it.
In the car yesterday, she studied (seriously studied) a page from one of her Sesame street books for about 30 min. It was a page showing a Doctor visit and all the stuff in the office. I love that she has such a good attention span.
Evelyn also cut another tooth this week. Her Left upper second molar. She is almost caught up now. Only 2 more teeth to go. (Both her lower second molars). She has been saying "teeth hurt" a lot and asks for medicine, but that is it for teething related complaints. (Ethan's teething seems to have gone into remission again).

This is Ryan and Tim playing Wii boxing. Apparently (according to Wired magazine, May 2007 issue) 30 min of Wii boxing burns 250 calories! That is better than 30 min of Aerobics (which only burns 242 calories) or 20 min of jogging (which only burns 198 calories)! Ryan gets tired after playing and can work up a sweat! Again, good job Nintendo for creating an active gaming system!
That's all folks!
hahaha! looks great!
amazign that Wi can burn so many calories!! yay for potty training success - way to go Evelyn! and for Ethan's responsiveness - that must be so amzaing! was that the first question he answered??
I love them and talk about them all the time!! saw a bunch of babies at church yesterday and they reminded me of Ethan!
Wow!!! He's moving a lot eh?!! That's amazing! Good job on the potty Ella! YAY! Send some of that training my way! haha! B's refusing to potty and refusing her diaper. Lucky me!
Ya I read that calorie thing in WIRED too. I was pretty impressed!
Cool I've never herd of active games. Kinda neat.
Just noticed Ryan's ring- did you find it? or is that a replacement ring?
Thanks Bev! It's great to see your family. What a blessing to have such a happy crawler!!
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