Has anyone read the youth novel "The Watsons go to Birmingham"? Totally unrelated to the content of this post, but the title of the post reminded me of the book title. Anyway, "the watsons" is a HILARIOUS book. I strongly suggest finding it at your local library. Be prepared for out-loud guffaws, chortles, snickers and chuckles. It is seriously amusing and funny.

So, our friends Steve, Jen, Juliana and Evan Brand came to visit on Saturday and Sunday. We met them while we lived in Calgary and were in the same 'small group' at church. They moved to Lloydminster a while ago. I think it is funny that they live a 3 hr drive from us, but are in the same phone book as us. (A rather small phone book at that!)

I took the kids for a short visit earlier in the month while Ryan was in Cold Lake. Since that visit, Ethan has become very mobile, and Evelyn has started to use much more complex sentences. She also has started saying "I do it!" and is becoming more independent. She saw Casey dress himself and brush his own teeth last week, and has decided to do that stuff too. She really tries to get her clothes on properly, but they usually end up backwards, or both legs are in one pant leg, or (this was funny) she'll put both legs in one leg of her panties, and pull them up around her waist like a belt. What is funny is that she did not seem to notice that anything was amiss.

So, they arrived around lunch time. Evelyn was so excited and started yelling "Hi 'Juwie-jana" as soon as she saw their van. Never mind that we were inside with the doors and windows closed. She was determined to give an enthusiastic welcome.
After lunch, we decided to forgo the girls naps and visit a "Harvest Fair" in the nearby hamlet of Hylo. The girls spent a good time petting goats, sheep, ducks, chickens, rabbits, guinea pigs, ponies, a calf, and even some tiny baby pigs at the petting farm. They also held a 'pig catch'. For an entrance fee of $2, you bought the chance to chase a herd small pigs around a large corral with a bunch of other people. The goal is to catch one of the pigs. Here is the great part:
You catch it, you keep it! 
I had never heard of such an event before. They started out with the 2&3 yr olds. They mostly followed the pigs around and tried to pet them. Then, the 4&5's gave it a try. One little boy actually caught one of the pigs! We did not stay for the rest of the age groups, but I think we will enter Evelyn to give it a try next year. I heard that the trick is to catch the pigs back leg and lift it up that way. They will just wiggle away if you try to hold their belly.

That afternoon and evening, the girls played really well together with Evelyn's new Doll house from her Nana. They set up house and moved the baby around in the stroller and put it in the little swing. They did some puzzles, coloured some pictures, and watched their parents play Wii bowling (I came in last place). After the kiddies were in bed, we played the bean game and hit the hay.
On Sunday, before we had to leave for church, Evelyn had one of the biggest meltdowns she has had in a long time. She had closed the door on Juliana's face and needed to apologize. I think she was feeling really guilty and she just lost it. About 15 min later, she had calmed down enough to breath and was able to say sorry and share a hug with her friend.

Evelyn was very excited to introduce Juliana to her friend Elizabeth. The three of them had a good time in Sunday School. Then, back to our house for a spagetti lunch, a few family and group pictures, and time to say good bye.
It was a fun visit.
Ryan started back at work yesterday and the kids start school on Tuesday. His co-worker Melissa is staying with us until her rental house has its renos completed. Evelyn calls her "Miss. Melissa" which sounds more like "Missmissa". We have tried to have her address Ryan's co-workers in a semi-formal way because she will be a student at the school in a few years, and they will be her teachers.
hahaha! that is so funny about evelyn dressing herself!!!
hahaha! pig catching!!! that is too much!
nice shot of the kids!
you are so photogenic Bev - you look great in all of your pictures!
that's too bad about the meltdown. but nice that you lived to tell about it! and that she listened to her conscience and apologized!
Yes I've read the novel- HILARIOUS!!! LOL about the panties!! Pig catching? What would you do if she actually caught one??
Looks like you had a wonderful visit :)
So glad you are all doing well. How is Evelyn's potty training? You have quite the busy summer. Love and miss you all. Nana & Papa
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