Evelyn loved playing with her Auntie. They had a great time while Ryan and I went on a 12 hr date to Edmonton. We went to the waterpark at West Ed Mall and rode the water slides and played in the wave pool. Then, we went to East Side Mario's for supper. 7 years has already gone. Wow!
The next day, we drove back to Edmonton and visited Chuck E Cheese for lunch. Evelyn was SO excited to "Ride the Bob the Builder" and "Ride the Merry-go-Round" and "catch a popcorn" (one of the games). She had a blast. After lunch and a bit of shopping, we dropped Dawne off at the airport and drove home.
While Dawne was here, Ethan made some big developments. He has figured out how to pull himself to standing at the coffee table, and he is getting even faster at commando crawling.
I love this picture of the two of them. Evelyn loves to give Ethan hugs.
hahhaha!!!! LOVE the bath photo!!! he is so cute with that wide-mouthed grin!!! :)
so glad that the two of you had a long date alone for your anniversary! 7 is the number of completeness in the bible. so it's going to be a good year. a year of becoming one in a greater way. interesting how that happens over time, hey? I'm so encouraged by looking at Christian couples who have been married for a long time and seeing how they relate to one another. there are a few I can think of who have really good relationships - and I think it's mostly because they walk in the Spirit as individuals. like KA was saying yesterday on the phone, the 3 things that can kill your marriage are pride, selfishness, and sexual immorality - and those are the things to freak out about (well, deal with!) and cover the rest in love. "Love covers a multitide of sins" 1 Peter 4:8 - so I bless you with the ability to "cover" over things in love! hahaha! grace, grace and more grace! we sure need a lot of it to live in this world in peace! :)
I want to go to CE.Cheese!!!!! I think my kids would LOVE it! What a great outing! Boy, all these trips, just reading about it makes me tired! LOL!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Many Blessings on the year to come :)
Happy, happy year, Bev and Ryan!! I'm glad you got away and had some fun time together.
Great pictures again! Thanks.
Yes, I've read the book! HILARIOUS I agree! ok, now I'm going to go read the rest of your blog ;)
whoops- wrong post... haha
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