Lots has been going on, I just have not had time to blog about it. When I have had time, I have not felt like doing it because I have let it go so long, so I let it go a bit longer... Anyway, I have psyched myself up, organized my thoughts a bit, narrowed down my pics to a manageable amount... I am not up to tackling all the video right now. I think I will post several smaller posts for each event - that seems more manageable.
Okay, so since we dropped Tim off on Aug 3rd, we had a couple days at home, then I drove Ryan to Cold Lake on Aug 6th for a workshop on community building. We came back home and Evelyn hosted her first 'playdate' on Tuesday, Aug 7th.
I have always thought making a date to play was kind of hokey. However, there are no littl

e neighbor kids to play with, so playing with peers has to be planned. We had Elizabeth and her Mom Jennifer over. Elizabeth is turning 3 next week. They play together at church every week and Elizabeth is the highlight of church for Evelyn. The girls played on the swing set and played dress up. The popular outfits were the cowboy hat and the fairy princess stuff. Evelyn did well with sharing until Elizabeth put the 'little people' animals in the 'wrong' stalls of the barn. (Evelyn is pretty particular about her barn and where things belong). We enjoyed a good ol' PB&J lunch, they played a bit more, then it was nap time and we said good bye. Evelyn really enjoyed herself and I hope to have them over again.
hahahaha! love the farm animal story!!
sounds like E is having a lot of social interaction lately!!! she must be in her glory, that little sanguine!!! :)
thanks for all the posts! I just read them all from most to last recent! you must have just posed them all today! ha! glad I get to be first to see them!!!!
Thanks for successfully making the effort to keep us up to date. It's nice to see you all.
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