Saturday, 2 May 2009

May Memory Verse

This month, we will work on memorizing Eph 6:10 : Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the Devil's schemes.

This website has some good resources:

Here is a song that we will be learning to help us remember the parts of the armor. Ephesians 6:10-18. It goes to the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell". I like that it has actions for each thing.

I'm puttin on my armor
I'm puttin on my armor
I'm gettin ready for the day
I'm puttin on my armor.

First comes my helmet
(act like putting helmet on head)
First comes my helmet
The helmet of salvation
I'm puttin on my armor.

Second comes my breastplate
(put hands on chest)
Second comes my breastplate
The breastplate of righteousness
I'm puttin on my armor.

Third comes my belt
(put hands on waist)
Third comes my belt
The belt of truth
I'm puttin on my armor.

Fourth comes my shoes
(bend over and touch feet)
Fourth comes my shoes
The shoes of peace
I'm puttin on my armor.

Fifth comes my shield
(hold up left hand with 5 fingers)
Fifth comes my shield
The shield of faith
I'm puttin on my armor.

Sixth comes my sword
(hold up right hand with 1 finger)
Sixth comes my sword
The sword of the Spirit
I'm puttin on my armor.

I've got my armor on
(march around)
I've got my armor on
Now I'm ready for the day
I've got my armor on.


Annie said...

Awesome resource! Thanks for posting :D
We'll be doing some of those crafts!

A Place of springs said...

Cool!!! I'm gonna check out that web site.