I took Ethan for a walk this afternoon.

We saw
growing things!
REAL growing things!

I saw a
flower that was not a dandilion!

We even saw

I was bitten by
mosquitoes! I never thought I'd be happy about that, but it means
Spring is here!
Spring is here!
Spring is here!
Spring is here!
Spring is here!
Spring is here!
(Do I sound a tad excited?)
So long, winter. I will not miss you.
yea for spring!!!
as much as i don't like melbourne's "cold" winters, i'm so glad that at least we have bugs and plant life all year round. snow and lack of life showing in nature would be hard i think.
Hurray for flowers! Glad that you're enjoying what's around you!
OOHHH! Awesome post!!
I think you're excited! LOL! Awesome! I love your pictures.
Spring hugs!
Yay!! You sound very excited- just a tad. ;) Enjoy every minute of it!
Hurrah...Spring has arrived!! I think this may be the most anticipated Spring ever!!
Here's to a short spring and a long summer! May you enjoy Many hours of warm sun and few mosquitoes!
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