The girls had to wear lipstick and blush, and have their hair curled. It felt bizarre putting makeup on my 4 yr old.
Evelyn and her classmates have been working hard at this routine since September. As you can see in the video, each child's personality shines through during the routine.
I missed filming the very end of the routine, when everyone was clapping. The other 3 kids in Evelyn's class filed off stage quite quickly after the music ended. Evelyn, however, stood and looked out at everyone clapping, then took a bow before she left the stage! Her flair for drama did not abandon her that night!
She HAD to go and hug her teacher (Miss.Morgan) and kept asking how many weeks until dance started again. I think the finality of the recital, and the end of something she had been doing for so long was too much for her.
She was fine the next day, and hasn't mentioned dance class since. I think she liked it!
Evelyn looks like she knew the routine very well and was happy to perform it. I loved watching it. What a great way for kids to express themselves and build confidence!
HAHAH! Great video. Love the little kid who tucked his/her arms into their t-shirt before starting to dance! ha!
E was the best dancer up there! Stole the show, like usual :)
Very fun!! Evelyn looked very comfortable up there. What a great class for her to be part of.
LOVE IT! she is SOOOO cute!
Great video! E seems pretty comfortable up there in the stage lights :)
So cute. She sure knew her routine. Think theatre, drama and dance are going to be her thing. Love you all.
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