Once again, I'd like to send out a word of encouragement to everyone who reads this blog to consider becoming a "Big Sister" or "Big Brother". The commitment is minimal, many companies will give you a leave to volunteer once a week, and you can make a big difference in the life one youngperson.
Big Brothers, Big Sisters (BBBS) has several volunteering options from a traditional pairing where you meet in the community and do activities together, to inschool mentoring - which only takes an hour a week. You can be the adult friend that makes a big impact in the life of a child.
Here is their national website with links to local sites with specific info and contact numbers. I strongly encourage you to take the leap, do something outside your usual sphere of life, and come along side someone you would never have known otherwise to positively impact their life.
I'm sure you enjoy your time with your little sister. What are some of the thhings you've done together and how often do you see her?
This year I am paired with a 10 yr old girl. We spend 1 hr a week togeher in her school. We take turns reading to each other, then do a small craft. We could also play a game or work on any projects she has to do for class.
We were paired late in the year, but already I've seen her reading skills improve, and she is starting to read with drama and infliction. She also told me she counted me as her friend.
It is worth doing. It takes some planning to get babysitting arranged, but I'm glad I'm doing it.
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