Thursday, 16 October 2008

Potty Breakthrough!

Ethan peed on the potty about 6 times today!!! This is the first time he has done anything on the potty.

We bought him an "Elmo's Potty Time" DVD last weekend and he's watched it every day. Today, while Evelyn was at Play School, I plugged it in. Ethan asked for the potty, which I brought into the living room.

He sat on the potty while he watched the movie, got a really concentrated look on his face, and .... success!

Of course, after peeing, he had to immediately go and wash his hands. This is one of his favourite activities.

Then, a mini M&M was his treat. He really liked that, and managed to squeak out about 5 more little pees over the next half hour. I was just happy that he seems to get the concept. So, he will be in training pants at home during the day.

I hope the momentum continues and he contunues to do well.


Annie said...

YAY! for potty time!
Great job ethan! Gotta love it when they learn how to contract their bladder just to get an M&M! LOL

A Place of springs said...

Awesome. It seems like gettting them to go the first time is the kicker then they start to understand what they are supposed to be doing.