Evelyn was able to go to preschool this year. She was born 12 days after the cut off, so we were not sure they could take her. She is really enjoying it. She goes Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 am -1 pm. They bring their own lunches and have a lot of playtime. She has done a couple small crafts as well.
She has also started a dance class on Tuesdays from 3-3:45pm. She is lukewarm about dancing. She never really talks about it or asks when she gets to go. We were able to watch the first class, but otherwise, we have to leave and come back. The class I watched, they played with little instruments and rolled the exercise balls around. Most of the kids zoned out after about 20 min. All the girls wear these weird footwear called 'foot undies'. They look like boys underwear with suede on the balls of the foot. Bizarre. I figure I'll have her finish the year and then we'll see if she wants to continue.
My goodness you have been very busy posting!
What we do for our children eh? After seeing Boyle, yes, it is a long time to stay in a small village! :D
Finish the year as in Dec? or June? and post a pic of foot undies. They sound interesting.
And off to school they go! It's amazing how quickly that comes and goes. It looks like she is enjoying herself even though she may not be entirely excited.
Thanks for all the updates and pictures! It's great to see how everyone is doing.
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