So, today, Evelyn helped me make a spice cake (from scratch). I iced it with some leftover coloured icing and we added a candle. (I'll make a little effort, but not too much effort for a stuffy)
"Wow, he sure is old!, How old is Daddy then?" was our response.
"Daddy is Sixteen" was her reply.
"Oh, so he must be 49 in Teddy years then - not people years?" we asked.
"Yes, in Teddy years, not people years" (Oh good then, I guess...?)
Here is a video clip of "Teddy" sharing his birthday wish before he attempts to blow out the candle.
Teddy's wish is this: "I wish I could fly up into space with Evelyn" I love how she moves his head at the end when he thanks me for my birthday well wishes. I thought for a minute that Teddy might go up in flames while he tried to blow out that candle!
We are so glad that Teddy is back with us and not lost.
A conversation from Evelyn last night:
We were cleaning up the kids rooms in preparation for bed. Some of her Littlest Pet Shop figures were in Ethan's room, so Ryan told Ethan they were going back and said "say goodnight to the kitty Ethan" then he did a pretend kitty voice and said 'Goodnight Ethan'.
Evelyn pipes up with pure derision in her voice "Toys don't talk Daddy. Only Teddy Bears and People can talk!"
Only teddy bears and people.
Finally, here is a slide show of Ethan eating Teddy's b-day cake. He made some silly faces!
haha! your son is such a ham!
mmmm... spice cake! What's your recipe? Looks like you had fun celebrating teddy's return/birthday!
Evelyn's conversations are priceless!
I actually was not happy with the recipe. I'll try another one next time.
love the slideshow! you must have a very rapidly shooting camera to get so many good pictures.
so funny about the teddy bear birthday!!! and only teddy bears and people can talk! man was daddy told!!!
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