In celebration of our birthdays (# 29 and 28) K-A came out for a short visit Oct 1-3. We picked her up after we went to the Zoo. After, we went to Ikea. I told Evelyn about our planned Ikea visit last week and she literally jumped up and down with excitement. She counted down the sleeps and talked continually about going into the play room with the balls and all the kids.
The next day was a playschool day. We took Ethan around town and looked in some (actually, all) of the shops, went for lunch, visited the library, and picked Evelyn up.
On Friday, K-A and I visitied the Telus World of Science to see the Body Worlds exhibit. It was wonderful. I really enjoyed it. After, we went to Olive Garden for a light lunch, then to the airport. It was a short but very nice visit.
I know I'm 28 but when I see it there in black and white- it made me actually stop and think- wow, I'm getting up there! haha
Yes, we had a very wonderful visit.
I'm still digesting the exhibit. There was so much to see! It will definitely help me understand the pathology of certain diseases a lot better!
The kids LOVED the socks and stockings from that small store in boyle. B put a hole in the knee of her stocking already! ARg! And once I wash D's socks they will be too small. haha
Glad you had a wonderful time! You two take a great picture!!
You 2 look beautiful in those pictures! Isn't it nice that we have airplanes to make short visits possable?
Was that the Edmonton Zoo? How was it?
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