Thursday 24 May 2007

Potty update

Okay, I know the only person who has looked at the previous two posts is K, but I want to post an update on the potty situation. (If you HAVE looked at the other posts - why didn't you leave a comment!?!?!?!)

So, Evelyn has done amazingly well. She has used the potty consistently for 1 1/2 days now. She was wet when she got up this morning, but aside from that, we are having success. Her big motivator is getting some "Dora diapers" and I made a little chart to show her when she can have one - if she uses the pot.

After we put her to bed last night, she called "sit potty!" This is a normal stalling tactic for her, so we ignored it. I heard her a few minutes later in the bathroom, then I heard her return to bed. A little later, Ryan went into the bathroom and saw that the pot from the potty was on the counter, and there was a puddle under the potty. Evelyn's PJ pants were also strewn on the floor.

She had gone in, taken her diaper off, peed, tried to empty it in the toilet - but spilled it in the process, put her diaper back on, and went back to bed. Wow!

During the day, she goes and tries to empty the potty on her own. She will tell me after she is done. I am trying to get her to tell me before she tries to empty the pot. I also put a disposable absorbant pad under the potty to collect the spilled contents.

So, we are very pleased with her. Yah for Ella! I hope this trend continues.


Sarah said...

yeah for potties!! she is SO independent it's hilarious. I was just telling my friend Lori the other day about you and Ryan and your gentle personalities and how you had the most sanguine kid in the world. God's humor hey! clearly she has some choleric in her too!! or maybe that's just the age!! ;-)

Annie said...

Yay!! That's GREAT! Now you know there is no excuses! If she can get out of bed, take off her jammies and diaper and go pee in a potty... well.. my goodness! Sounds like it's the right time to start. It'll be great not to have to change 2 sets of diapers~

A Place of springs said...

Yaaaay for potty training! That's 3 moms and kiddies that have succesfully potty trained in that last few weeks. I feel like everyone around me has been working on that. We just started cloth again. It was nice to have the 10 months off.

Ruth said...

High fives for mommy and Evelyn!
Great success in so short a time!

Anonymous said...

I am so proud and happy for you all. Great job. Give her a big hug from Nana and Papa and let her know we are all so proud. Love to you all. Sorry did not respond to the first potty.