Wednesday, 5 August 2009

A BBQ at Dawne and Karl's house

Ryan's sister Dawne and her partner Karl just became engaged to be married! We did not know he planned to ask her at the time of this party, but within 48 hrs of it, he had given her a family ring. We are SO excited for them and look forward to officially welcoming Karl into our family soon.

So all the Chidlow clan as well as Karls parents and a brother, and some of their friends went to Sooke to have a BBQ. The cousins played on the trampoline and treehouse, and the adults caught up on the past year.

It is really hard to get pictures of kids bouncing on a trampoline! They always look blurry! Evelyn decided she would be the dog when the girls played in the treehouse. She was pleased with her role and delighted in being naughty and being sent to the corner. The other girls were happy to have a playmate who was so willing to be bossed around. Evelyn was enjoying herself immensely, so I guess it was all good.


Anonymous said...

You just have to bump up your film speed and play with the settings on your camera.. You can do it!

Annie said...

Man, you've been busy on here!!
What about a sports setting? I find that works well. It also helps if the batteries are at full charge ;) haha

BevC said...

Our camera is not as manual as your suggestion Brooke, though it would have worked with our old film 35mm. I miss the manual stuff sometimes, but I absolutely LOVE my digital Olympus.

I should have tried the sports setting. Next time!

Sarah said...

that is so cute! yay for trampolines! so funny about E being a dog! hilarious!
yes, I was going to suggest the sports setting. I always use that for moving objects like children!!! :)

Brandee said...

Trampolines are the epitome of a summer activity for kids. Love it and it brought me back to my own childhood!