Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Butchart Gardens Fireworks

Ryan and I treated his Dad and Step-mom to an evening out at Butchart. The fireworks were very similar to the show we saw several years ago. Still very good though. We enjoyed the walk through the gardens and I tried my hand at photographing some blooms. My friend Sarah takes great flower pics, and she inspired me to keep trying. I really like the multicoloured cluster flower - whatever it's called!


Ruth said...

We just went Monday night and enjoyed it very much! Lovely photos, Bev. There is so much beauty to capture there.


Sarah said...

oh my goodness, those are really lovely flowers! great picture taking job! and thanks for the honorable mention :)
I really like the pink & yellow one too. so unusual. although they are all lovely! so how long are you in victoria?

Anonymous said...

Good Job on the flowers Bev! The trick to good flower shots is to open up your aperture as wide as you can (small F stop) to decrease your depth-of-field and really isolate your subject....

Annie said...

Love the multicolored flower as well.
Too bad Butcharts was ruined for my hubby as he got taken there every saturday for several summers. He won't take me :( haha...

Brandee said...

I have some wonderful memories of going to Butchart gardens with my mom many years ago. It looks just as lovely now. You took some AMAZING flower pictures. Love the clarity and detail of the white one!