Sunday, 2 August 2009

Taking it easy in Victoria

We left a very wet and cool Alberta behind us and spent a month in Sunny, Hot and DRY British Columbia. Bit of a switch, eh!?

In between visits, the kids went to the park, rode on the lawn tractor, and hung out. We learned from past visits that they really need the downtime and when we try to book more than one visit in the day, they get cranky and we get stressed. So, we took it easy and paced ourselves for a marathon rather than a sprint.


Annie said...

HAHA I can imagine Ethan loved riding that mower! Brrrum Brrrum!

Sarah said...

oh, I love the idea of pacing. that is so good! :) do what flows from and leads to PEACE!!! :)
yes, and yay for lawnmowers!