Evelyn has gotten more chatty lately (who would have thought THAT was possible!?) She loves to talk on the phone now, and will keep the caller chatting for a prolonged time. In this photo, she's talking to her Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Cracknell. This photo is like a snapshot of her in another 10 years!

She is letting us take pictures once in a while (finally!) but still has a lot of days where she refuses to co-operate for the camera. She is modelling a new knitted hat and mittens that she received from her Grandma.

She has gotten a bit more serious and is thinking about a lot of different things. We tried an experiment with colour mixing a couple weeks ago. I don't think we saw the results intended, but she still learned about mixing colours. Her logic and analysis skills are really developing. Some of the questions she asks are really great.

For example, the other day she asked Ryan why the place we lived was so small. She went on to say "Did the construction people forget to keep building?"

I will know that I have a frown on my face (sometimes unconsciously) when she looks at me with her head cocked to the side and asks "Mommy, where's my smile?" in a very coy manner. Of course, I have to smile at this and
receive in reply "There's my smile! I love you Mommy!"

She continues to work on her writing, but is struggling a bit in this area. I think the underlying issue is that she is very ambidextrous. She uses both hands equally when she colours and will switch back and forth between them while doing the same picture. She calls her left hand her writing hand, and the right one her scribble hand. This distinction is new, so I think she's starting to sort it out. I have started to help her hold the pencil with her 'writing' hand when we practice tracing and letters. I had encouraged the 'scribble' hand until recently because that is the hand I write with. I think she may take after her Dad and become a 'south paw'. We'll see how her writing goes now.
Beautiful pics! Evelyn is gorgeous! I love the videos on the side bar there. Got a kick out of the cowgirl shooting her horse! HAHAHAH
And the one where she was filming- hilarious!
Are you using the Kumon books for printing?
AWESOME! Great pictures. What a lovely relationship...kids have a way of pulling you into what's real in life. I love the picture of you both. Such beautiful girls!!
K-A, you have snuck ahead in posts! Those videos will be posted over the next few days.
Yes, we're using the tracing and upper case letter books from Kumon.
VERY adorable pictures! and nice one of mama too! you are so beautiful bev!
Nice images Bev!
My heart melted when I read how Evelyn asks you to smile for her. She is so special. Thanks for sharing this!
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