Ethan is growing up so quickly. He is maturing, and his thought processes are developing in leaps and bounds.

He still loves snuggles, loves his blanket 'Hank' and anything knitted.
He gets excited about 'Dora' and superheros. His alter ego is 'Super Bunny' and he'll run around shouting "Super Bunny to the rescue!"

He loves to climb and jump, he wishes he could run fast enough to keep up with his sister. He also climbs under the couch and the hutch. Sometimes, he gets stuck and needs to be rescued. In this picture, he is saying "Help me Mommy! Help!" and Evelyn is saying "Mommy, get him out! He needs to twist and pull! Don't just take a picture!" (I just had to take a picture before I rescued him!) He is facinated with babies and dolls.

At least once a day, he will pull a chair up to the sink and play with the water. Pouring, filling, washing, swirling... He loves it!
When it comes time to clean up, he is pretty good at keeping on task. I just have to push him to start putting things away, and he takes it from there.
He is coming along with potty training. The large majority of poops are in the toilet or potty, and about half of the pees. He even used a public toilet this week! (A first for him)

He loves to tickle people right now, and everyone is fair game to him. Evelyn gets her share of tickles, but kids at playgroup, and even other Moms get some tickle action too.

Some of these photos may have been posted before in slideshows, but I moved some files around on photobucket, and it corrupted all my slideshows. So, I figured I'd just post a few again.
So, here's celebrating Ethan Bennett. April 2009. 2 yrs, 5 months old. My little man.
What a handsome boy! Wow! He's growing up. B loves to stand at the sink as well. I suppose it's very soothing as long as you actually don't 'have' to do the dishes ;) Sounds like a water/sand table is in order this summer!
Great job on getting a photo when he was stuck!! hahaha... twist and pull? Has he done this before?
A little man alright!! Love the the fact you got the camera before you "rescued" Ethan! LOL!!
Evelyn got the idea from 'Winnie the Pooh' and from the movie 'Bolt'. Both featured characters that get stuck and have to twist and pull!
ooh, he is very cute! I can't believe he's so big! I would love to see him again!
Love this update! I love that he calls his blanket "Hank". That made me laugh - so cute. I liked the photo of him stuck under the hutch and the fact that you had to capture it before rescuing him. I do the same thing to Maya. Someday they will appreciate it!
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