Dumbo, a Zebra riding boy on Safari, and a Train Engineer. Ethan decided not to be the same thing twice.
The adventures of the Cracknell family as we enjoy our small life.
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Halloween fun
Dumbo, a Zebra riding boy on Safari, and a Train Engineer. Ethan decided not to be the same thing twice.
Saturday, 18 October 2008
Thursday, 16 October 2008
A birthday party for Teddy
So, today, Evelyn helped me make a spice cake (from scratch). I iced it with some leftover coloured icing and we added a candle. (I'll make a little effort, but not too much effort for a stuffy)
"Wow, he sure is old!, How old is Daddy then?" was our response.
"Daddy is Sixteen" was her reply.
"Oh, so he must be 49 in Teddy years then - not people years?" we asked.
"Yes, in Teddy years, not people years" (Oh good then, I guess...?)
Here is a video clip of "Teddy" sharing his birthday wish before he attempts to blow out the candle.
Teddy's wish is this: "I wish I could fly up into space with Evelyn" I love how she moves his head at the end when he thanks me for my birthday well wishes. I thought for a minute that Teddy might go up in flames while he tried to blow out that candle!
We are so glad that Teddy is back with us and not lost.
A conversation from Evelyn last night:
We were cleaning up the kids rooms in preparation for bed. Some of her Littlest Pet Shop figures were in Ethan's room, so Ryan told Ethan they were going back and said "say goodnight to the kitty Ethan" then he did a pretend kitty voice and said 'Goodnight Ethan'.
Evelyn pipes up with pure derision in her voice "Toys don't talk Daddy. Only Teddy Bears and People can talk!"
Only teddy bears and people.
Finally, here is a slide show of Ethan eating Teddy's b-day cake. He made some silly faces!
Potty Breakthrough!
We bought him an "Elmo's Potty Time" DVD last weekend and he's watched it every day. Today, while Evelyn was at Play School, I plugged it in. Ethan asked for the potty, which I brought into the living room.
He sat on the potty while he watched the movie, got a really concentrated look on his face, and .... success!
Then, a mini M&M was his treat. He really liked that, and managed to squeak out about 5 more little pees over the next half hour. I was just happy that he seems to get the concept. So, he will be in training pants at home during the day.
I hope the momentum continues and he contunues to do well.
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Little Train Engineer
Oh he also cut 3 eye teeth this week. The spot he's gnawing on in these pics is the remaining eye tooth that still needs to come through. Also, I measured him 2 weeks ago and again today. He has grown 1.5 cm in 2 weeks!! His height now is taller than Evelyn was at 27 months. He is 23 months old. He's gonna be BIG!
Thanksgiving with the Brands
We spent TG weekend visiting the Brand Family: Steve, Jen, Juliana, Evan and Benjamin. The kids played very well together and Ryan and I enjoyed visiting with good friends.
Anyway, we had the lamb roast I picked up at the farm last week. It was wonderful! very little fat, and nice and moist.
We adults waited patiently for the kids to go to bed, then worked our brains playing "Big Brain Academy" on the Wii. It was a lot of fun to play as a group.
It was a great way to spend TG.
Friday, 10 October 2008
AMBER ALERT!!! Teddy is Missing!

She brought him with her in the car when we went to playschool. I remember putting him in the pocket of the seat organizer and saying "We'll put Teddy here so he doesn't get lost". I took her into class, jacket off, shoes away etc. I have no memory of Teddy being there.
After I picked her up, she asked after Teddy as we went into the house. I said "Oh, He's in the car, I'll get him later". So, bedtime rolls around and she asks for him again. "Oh yah, I'll go get him" I say.
I went confidently to the car - sure that Teddy would be there waiting for me. But he was not there! I searched the whole car, nothing. I returned to the house and started to search everywhere. All in vain.

Not this time.
When Ryan and I went in to break the news to Evelyn, we found her sitting cross legged in a small box, on top of her bed. A look of hope and tenuous

My heart broke. I almost cried with her.
When she calmed down a bit, she said "I took Teddy to playschool. I forgot him at playschool!" She seems convinced that she disobeyed and took him into class. She says he is sitting on the carpet by the books on one of the letter squares. I hope she is right.
Ryan has reminded me of the conversation that followed the tears:
Evelyn (shortly after her tears): "We have to make another teddy for the kid who has teddy."
Us: "Huh?"
E: "We have to make another teddy for the kids!"
Us: "You mean to trade for teddy back if they accidently took Teddy home?"
E: "Yes. So they won't be sad."
Us: "Uh."
Today, we will seek. I just hope we will find.
We found him! She indeed left him at school. He was waiting for us on the shelf with the toy dinosaurs.
Thursday, 9 October 2008
A Rather Large Birthday Party, and Ethan Builds a Bed for Elmo.
A few days ago we found him with his head under the bed. He startled when I took a picture, and wacked his head on the bedframe not once, but twice. He then snuggled in further and pulled his 'hank' over his head.
Then, he took his pillow from his bed and made a little bed for Elmo and Ernie in the closet where his clothes had been.
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
A visit to a farm
Monday, 6 October 2008
Mama's Little Helper
Sunday, 5 October 2008
An October Visit
In celebration of our birthdays (# 29 and 28) K-A came out for a short visit Oct 1-3. We picked her up after we went to the Zoo. After, we went to Ikea. I told Evelyn about our planned Ikea visit last week and she literally jumped up and down with excitement. She counted down the sleeps and talked continually about going into the play room with the balls and all the kids.
The next day was a playschool day. We took Ethan around town and looked in some (actually, all) of the shops, went for lunch, visited the library, and picked Evelyn up.
On Friday, K-A and I visitied the Telus World of Science to see the Body Worlds exhibit. It was wonderful. I really enjoyed it. After, we went to Olive Garden for a light lunch, then to the airport. It was a short but very nice visit.
A trip to the Zoo where Evelyn rides a Pony.
On Oct 1st, I took the kids to the Valley Zoo in Edmonton. It was overall very disappointing. The only food served was ice cream, the animals looked depressed and their living spaces were tiny. Evelyn liked looking at the Elephant eat it's lunch. Ethan liked riding the little train. Just before we left, I decided to check out an area we had not seen. It offered pony rides, so I let Evelyn try.
The look on her face from the moment she sat on 'Sugar' to the time she got off was one of pride, excitement and joy. I think that was my favourite part of our visit.
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