Wednesday 18 February 2009

Doughnut Negotiations

Ethan tries to convince me to let him have a danish before he has eaten his supper. He shows a surprising versatility of emotion. I love seeing his facial expressions change so quickly.


Jenn said...

Haha, this is all too familiar! They sure do try hard don't they?

Annie said...

Man, his communication is amazing! I love all the colloquial phrases he uses!
I remember those negotiation stages. Glad most of it is over :) It's like they think that repeating the same phrase over and over will get them somewhere...

Brandee said...

He is very obedient. Even though he wants the doughnut pretty badly he pulls his plate back towards him and continues eating after his attempts at convincing you have failed. Jay and I both had a good laugh at it. You captured a great moment!