Saturday 6 September 2008


They had a lot of fun playing together on Monday. Ethan lost it on the way home....again... and quickly fell asleep when we got home... again. At least he had a good nap!

The leaves are starting to turn yellow and red. I've had frost on my windshield twice. Summer is gone. :-( It happened literally overnight. One day, Evelyn is playing in the sprinkler and we had to have the fans on in the house. The next, day I had frost on my windshield and we had to turn the furnace on. It was a good summer.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

wow, that is so great, you really capture those moments bev. it is really great when kids are so accustomed to the camera that they act like it isn't even there. lovely shots bev.
yes the coolness is setting in here too :) although this afternoon was pretty warm!!!