Monday 3 March 2008

please read these stories

Alida is a former co-worker of mine. We worked together in Calgary for about 2 years. I admit I did not know her well at that time. On breaks she would occasionally talk about some of her travels. I always felt like I would like to know her better, it just never happened.

So, through the networking of Facebook, I caught up with her just before she left to be a missionary in Kenya. I don't think I knew that part of her life when we worked together.

She arrived there about 4 months before all the turmoil started in that country. Evelyn loved to look at all the pictures of exotic animals that Alida had seen in her adventures. I loved to live vicariously through her photos and blogs.

Alida really has a gift for writing and photography. The stories she shares are the ones that would never be covered by BBC or FOX news. Hers are the stories of people living their lives, responding to things out of their control, and struggling with things that people everywhere can relate to. The images she captures can startle you, open your eyes, and melt your heart.

I invite you to encourage her in her mission, pray for her (if you feel called to do so), and be another witness to what is going on in Kenya.

Her blog is called Everyday Grace she also posts photos to a picasa album.


Ruth said...

Thanks Bev! What a girl, hey? What devastation one human can do to another!!

Annie said...

What a reality check! The suffering we face in our lives is nothing compared to other parts of the globe.
Thanks for sharing her blog. I will be checking it every once in a while!