Wednesday 26 March 2008

Mustard and Snow

Cute or what? Ethan really loves mustard. We gave him a tiny dab to dip his ham in. He just kept asking for more. So, we thought we would give him more than he would ever want. His response came as a surprise. Enjoy the video!

This second clip shows how much snow we still have. Edmonton is almost bare, yet we still have a solid foot and a half of the white stuff left. It has melted and re-frozen enough that Evelyn can walk on it. She loves the new-found freedom of being able to explore the yard again.


Annie said...

Oh my goodness!!! That is crazy!!
Eating mustard out of the container? Love the way he smiles and asks for more. He's pretty pleased with the fact that he got so much mustard! I heard you sort of give a gag with the second helping- I was doing the same thing while watching!! Yuck! haha
So much snow! It'll melt! Evelyn is getting very articulate!

Anonymous said...

Mustard! Who would have though. How cute. I promise you no snow here! Flowers are blooming. Time to come home. We all miss you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking that Ethan takes after his Grandpa! Pretty soon he'll be into the salsa, and after that, the hot sauce!!

Sarah said...

oh, this is the best of them all! you really saved the best for last bev!!!
so CUTEE !!! mustard???!!! what a crazy little kid!
and so cute with Eveln talking and giving a little running dialogue on the melting of snow! hilarious!
oh and I just love your scenery Bev. so beautiful, what you get to be surrounded with! makes me hungry for nature!!

Ruth said...

Mmmmmm....yummy! Who would have thought!!

So, has the snow gone down any? You really are NORTH! Evelyn sure is cute...she knows her stuff!!