Wednesday 26 September 2007

A video for Evelyn's little friends, plus one more

I thought she was so cute having a conversation with her friends. She is so excited to see them in a couple of weeks.

This second one is of Ethan having a giggle fit (helped along by Daddy and Evelyn) and at the end, Evelyn says all of our names.


Annie said...

Both Videos are GREAT! The kids really enjoyed watching them too!
When E mentioned B's name, B smiled an acknowledging smile! D was cracking up over Ethan!

Ruth said...

That sure makes up a million times for teething and sickies and poopy diapers!
So CUTE! I'm going to smile all day!!!

Anonymous said...

Every time I open the blog it makes my day. So great to see as they are growing so fast and we can watch them grow. Thank you so much. Love Nana & Papa

A Place of springs said...

That was priceless! I love hearing Ethan laugh. And that phone call was great. I'll have to show Casey!