Thursday 19 July 2007

Victoria Videos

Here is a video and a slide show of our visit to Victoria. We were there from late on July 5th to very early on July 11th. We visited my Grandma Agnes in Langley each way. We paced our visits well and managed to have the kids nap most days.

We saw Orca Whales at a distance on the Ferry, as well as seals, seagulls and jelly fish. Evelyn LOVED to stand at the rails and watch the waves from the ship break.

Evelyn really enjoyed the Undersea Gardens and exploring at the beach with Auntie Dawne. She saw crabs and little fish and sea anemone's there. I think she is a West Coast Girl at heart.

Evelyn had a sleep over with Auntie Dawne and asked for more when we picked her up! "More, Auntie Dawne!?, Again?!" While the kids were enjoying Auntie Dawne, Ryan and I went out for dinner at Kelseys. (I had a really good cheese and broccoli soup, yum!) Ethan SCREAMED for about an hour while we were out and, of course, fell soundly asleep about 10 min before we came to get him! Poor Auntie having to listen to all that crying! When she asked Evelyn if her brother always cried like that, Evelyn replied "Mmm Hmm!"

The rest of our time was spent visiting and visiting! We arrived at around 9pm on July 5th. We spent the first two nights at the Parrish house while they continued to enjoy the lake, then we stayed with Ryan's Mom and Step-Dad Al (Nana and Papa) for the rest of the time.

Day 1, July 6, Auntie Dawne at the beach and again with Grandma and Grandpa. Evelyn has a sleep over with Auntie Dawne. Ryan and I have a date.

Day 2, July 7, Nana, Papa, Ryan's Step-Family and all the cousins as well as Auntie Dawne and Dawne's friend Avan.

Day 3, July 8, Oma, at her house, then Grandma and Grandpa's house with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa as well as Auntie Dawne.

Day 4, July 9, Oma at Beacon Hill, then the undersea gardens, then a quiet night.

Day 5, July 10, Great Grandma and Great Grandpa's with Grandma and Grandpa for lunch. Nap time. We visit with Great Grandpa Roberts, then, Daddy goes to see 'Transformers".

July 11, leave for the ferry at 5:30 am. Ryan is dropped off at the Vancouver Airport at 9:30 am to catch his flight to Whitehorse, Yukon Territory. I drive to Surrey to pick up my friend Sarah. I am very proud that I navigated and drove in Vancouver traffic without incident! We stop in Langley to visit my Grandma (Great Grandma Agnes). We then drive to K-A's and arrive there about 5:30 pm.

Whew!, no wonder I was so exhausted at K-A's! (the fact that Ethan started to sleep like a newborn did not help either :-p )

Anyway, here is the video and slideshow.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

great ice cream photos!!! mmm!!!
you are so photogenic Bev!!!
nice work - this must have taken a lot of time to put together!