Thursday, 1 April 2010


Annie said...

Hey thanks for the link!! We're totally going to do the biscuits and resurrection cookies!

Ruth said...

Wow! What a great way to tell the Easter story.

Annie said...

Hint: Do not make reserrection cookies with cane sugar. They do not work! :D

Annie said...

And if baking on stoneware- preheat the stone while the oven is heating up. Grease it well with butter. (if Stone is not greased, the cookies will stick)!

Annie said...

Hey! It's been half a month and I'm still waiting for your easter photos!! :D How was your visit? what are you up to now etc....

BevC said...

If you were on FB, you would have seen them long ago.... ;-) That was all I had time to do with them!