Here are a few photos of our visit to Lloyd over Easter. The weather was perfect and the kids spent a lot of time outside.
On Sunday, we went to church with the Brands. Technically, the church is in Saskatchewan, so we even left the province for Easter!
The kids played really well together the whole time. I can't remember any fights. Usually there is one spat between the girls when we visit, but I don't think there was this time! The boys had a couple quick little issues, but did really well together too. The three boys spent about an hour plunking chips into the 'connect 4' game we picked up. Even little Ben was doing his part to fill it up and dump it out. The object of their game was to fill it up, not get 4 in a row!
We made the resurrection biscuits again. They worked out pretty well, though we discovered it worked best when we folded them in to little round balls before baking.
I plan to post 'before' (like when we first bought the house) pics and 'after' pics when I have everything completed. I'm pretty proud of what I've done to the place!
So, it looks like I have a good reason to put all this work in. I interviewed for a 0.77 permanent position in Nanaimo, and, pending satisfactory reference checks, I have the position! It is on a mixed medical and elective orthopedic surgery unit. It is well staffed, and sounds like it has a good team atmosphere. I'll admit, I'm not excited by ortho, but the jobs that do excite me are all filled internally, so at least it's an 'in'. I was also offered a casual position in the ER in Nanaimo (in their waiting-for-a-bed holding pen). I think I will call that manager and accept that offer as well. Ryan will continue to look for a position and work toward getting on the sub list at least. Nothing is finalized yet. But that's where we're at so far. My start date will be July 27th. That is the extent of my knowledge so far.
There has been some interest in our house already, so I don't think we'll need to list it with a Realtor. I like that that keeps more money in both our pocket, and the potential buyers pocket too.
And that's an update on things here!
YAY! A post! Thanks bev!! I can't view the photo's on FB (data unsupported??!) Maybe their server error.
It sounds like you had a wonderful easter and great photos! It's great when the kids can play outside for most of the time.
Wow!! You did the trim??!!! YOU'RE AMAZING! Good for you! Are you going to install the counter as well?
I hope all goes well with your potential job posting. July 27th? Wonder if you can squeeze in magna bay....!
Wow, Bev! I can't believe all the work you're doing to the house. I am very glad one of you has got a good potential position. We look forward to things firming up for you.
We are excited - for you, your family and for us too!!
My counters should arrive tomorrow or Wednesday! Yes, I'll be installing them myself! I should add to the list of things to do: Paint the kids rooms, paint the railings, paint the back door, caulk the seams on the trim, and fill nail holes on trim, touch up paint throughout the house (mostly on the ceilings!). Do a run to the dump/SHS, tidy up the basement, start I'm getting overwhelmed. I'll just focus on the first few things for now!
HI Bev, Wow can't wait to have you all come back here. I am sure your renovations are beautiful. Thanks again for sharing with us. See you at Magna Bay.
Good for you Bev! I'm glad to hear that you you guys will be back on the coast! I know, I'm a water person too, and being landlocked is not my idea of a great time... I will finish my masters next winter and hopefully Alan will be an LPN by then too and then, finally, we will be back on the island too! We are hoping to end up somewhere comox, courtney, campbell river...
Evelyn looks very cute. I love her haircut! She is looking so grown up! Lucky you to move back to the coast! Once a west coaster, always a west coaster, hey? :)
Nanaimo, hey? we were just there when we drove up to Parksville, and I thought it would be a nice place to live. big, but also quiet. surrounded by LOTS of cool outdoorsy places. that sounds really nice Bev. I'm sure God will make a place for you and lead you according to your hearts' desires as you commit your way to Him. :)
I'm constantly amazed (and envious) of how "handy" you are!! Way to go with the house renos!
And congrats on the potential move to the coast!! After all this time, you're finally (hopefully) going home. I guess I have to read on to see what happens!
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