Anyway, all this is just a preamble to say that I travelled on Tuesday, and it started to snow at that time. The conditions were actually really bad on the road that night.
The next day, we had had enough snow that our car needed to be shovelled part way out of our crescent. We then got stuck in Boyle and I shovelled some more. Finally, we made it onto the main highway and we arrived safely at West Ed Mall where I took the kids to visit the playground in Galaxyland.
Anyway, enough about things I have no power to change. We chose to live here - right!?
Sunday came quickly and we went into the city a bit early to visit Chuck E Cheese before dropping Nana off at the airport. I forgot my camera, so I'll post a few pics when I get them from Nana's camera. We all got a plastic ID card with our pictures on it. They are pretty cool.
After dropping Nana off, we decided to head back to West Ed Mall. We were surprised to find it closed at 5 pm on Sunday. So, it was a short visit. Then, Walmart and McD's and home at around 10 pm. Whew!
"Hearse kind of sounds like 'purse'... and 'nurse'! That person in the accident needs a nurse. Mommy, your're the best nurse in the world."
(thank you Evelyn!)
"Why don't you fix the person in the accident?"
"I'm a nurse too. I have to go to work tomorrow. But, I'm a doctor now. I will fix the people in the accidents. 'Cause accidents happen and that's okay. Does that person need a hearse?"
(No, I think they will use that ambulance to go to the hospital)
"Oh. Only dead people go in a hearse."
(Right, and that person is just hurt)
"Are we going to the big Walmart, or the little one?"
"Why do we have belly buttons?"
"When you were a baby in my tummy, your belly button connected to me and that's how you ate"
"Oh. But Ethan doesn't have a bottle anymore."
"Um, no, he is a big boy now"
"But why does he have a penis?"
"That's what makes him a boy."
..."Why are our tongues pink?"
"They are muscles. Just like the muscles in our arms and legs. All of our muscles are kind of reddy pink in colour"
"But, why do we have tongues?"
"They help us talk and chew our food"
"Why do we have this?" (pointing to the bridge of her nose)
"Your nose? it lets you breath and smell"
"No, not my nose, this part!" (Indicating the bridge again)
"Oh, that is a bone and it supports the holes in your nose so you can breath in. Otherwise your nose would sound like this!"(I make a sucking stuffy sound with my nose)
"That's funny Mommy! It's kind of like a bridge!"
"Yes, a bridge that holds our skin up"
"What do bones do?"
"They support us and give us shape"
"What if we didn't have them?"
"We'd be like a blob on the floor - all jiggly and wiggly."
"We'd be BLOBS! That's so funny! So, bones are kind of like dinosaur bones. Why do we have dinosaur bones?"
"Well, bones are really hard - kind of like rocks. After we die, our skin goes away pretty fast, but our bones stay around for a long time. That's why we only find dinosaur bones and not skin"
"Mommy, you're the best nurse in the world. You can fix up the people who get hurt in the car crashes and make them feel better. When they break their bones."
"Thank you Evelyn. I try to make them feel better."
She is obviously getting interested in anatomy and physiology. She is also still processing the idea of car accidents.
I really enjoy all these questions. You can all remind me of this statement in a few months when I am totally sick of them. But, now, I am loving her inquisitiveness and seeing how she makes connections between new concepts and those she already knows. Sometimes the conversations are a bit random, but that's how we think sometimes!
LOL!! AWESOME POST! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your family photo! That's great! Hahaha!
Sounds like you had a wonderful visit with Nana! Love the gingerbread houses. Great conversations with Ella too teehee! It is funny how they jump around in conversations.
What kind of tree did you get that is so prickly? Cactus? And my kids like to sing Away in the Manger- b/c they know all the words. And this other song by G.T. called 'Glory.' (the main word being Glory- making it easy to remember!)
I can't believe Ethan remembers me! That's too funny.
Glad you enjoyed the post! We have a very sharp Scotch Pine Tree. Good song ideas.
I just love that conversation between you and Evelyn. She is such a smart little girl. So amazing!
Your Christmas tree looks like a really nice one. Enjoy Christmas with your family.
I love the conversations!!!!!!!!!!! and the family photo! so awesome! and oh how I wish I was under 4 feet again (or 3 feet or whatever it is) and could go in those plastic ball play rooms! so fun! maybe it was a more enthralling experience in my memory!
oh yes, that is so funny about the tree being prickly! and so cute abou Evelyn asking to sing a song! I love the song "hark the herald angels sing"! I was singing that on the way to church the other day, and then I arrived to them singing it! so wonderful!
Nice pictures! Funny post (I could only read a bit of it). Thanks so much for the books. Those are the very books i was needing. How did you know?
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