We have slowly been decorating the house for Christmas. I'm hoping to be able to find a real (from a tree farm) tree this week. We've had Charlie Brown trees for the past few years - it's just not the same.
Evelyn, Ethan and I worked on a few Christmas crafts this past week (no pictures - it would ruin the surprise!) Crafting with little kids is stressful! If we had a room covered in plastic drop cloths and with a tub in the room, I might not be so anxious. So much potential for large messes!

Ryan and I went to Edmonton yesterday to see the Vinyl Cafe with Stewart McLean. I thoroughly enjoyed it. When it was over, it took us - literally - 45 minutes to get out of the parkade. Everyone got to their cars about the same time, pulled into the aisle, and waited, and waited. After about 15 - 20 min (once our cars were warm) we all turned them off and waited. A man went around with some candies he had and shared them with all the cars on our level. That was pretty nice of him! Eventually, the cars below us cleared out and we got to leave. I have never felt so trapped before. Good thing we were not on a tight schedule!
We took this pic of me and the kids yesterday before we left for Edmonton. I am so impressed that we got a picture of both of them looking at the camera with happy expressions on their face!

I finally completed a sweater I started knitting at least 4 years ago. It was origionaly intended for a friends daughter, but, now it's Evelyn's! She really likes it. I love the colours. The tension on the front panel is a bit wonky, but it works.

Ethan continues to be a funny and silly boy. He has actually gotten a bit sillier lately. I loved watching him try on Ryan's shoes the other day. He even managed to walk in them to the end of the hall. He has a long way to grow before they fit!

Evelyn presented me with this pic the other day. I never saw her working on it, but I can't think of anyone else who could have drawn it! I am so impressed by it. Literally 3 weeks ago, her idea of a picture was a bunch of scribbles. What happened! ?

These last pics are from today.
The kids had a sort of tug of war with the foam fish. I loved how they were so focused on each other and were enjoying each other so much. They have been playing together lately. A very nice development! They still get a fair bit of joint naughty times for fighting, but not as much as they used to.
Tomorrow, I am in Bonnyville for an orientation day. I am starting a new casual RN position with the teachers health benefit plan. It's a health promotion and risk screening type of job. I get to get up really early tomorrow!
On Wednesday, we are back in Edmonton to pick up Ryan's mom Brenda. She is coming for a short visit before Christmas. We are all looking forward to seeing her.
Love the sweater. Colours are great. Can't wait to see you all. Luv Mom (Nana)
Hi Bev. Thanks for the welcome to the blogging world. Your blog was a big inspiration for me and I hope I can keep mine even half as interesting as yours. :)
I may need some tips from time to time. :P
P.S - LOVE the pictures of you and the kids. So lovely!!
Beautiful pic of you and the kids! It's perfect!
Great sweater! Good job on finally completing it! HAHA!
I would have been feeling claustrophobic in that parkade! Wow- 45 minutes is a long time to wait.
It's nice when kids play together well eh?
cute pictures. i love the sweater colours.
Wow! all those comments make me feel so LOVED! Thank you for your response.
I LOVE that picture of you and the kids! I saw them all on facebook, but it was full of comments, so I hoped I would catch you here!! Very nice.
Nice job on the cozy sweater! I loved it when my mom made me anything. It was pretty special.
haha!! Ethan must have very good balance to be able to go for a walk in his daddy's shoes. It's been fun watching the shoe fetish here too.
HOpe your day was great at your new job. Have a wonderful visit!!
hey Bev! you must have your guest now! that's great! wonderful picture of you and the kids! and I am so impressed by the sweater!! 4 years is better than never having attempted one at all!! Ethan is really growing up! of all of the kids - yours and K's - he is the one that has changed the most in my eyes! he's such a little man! and in the picture of Evelyn in the bath on the top right hand side, you can really see her growing up!
oh, wow, and fabulous blogger id photo!!!!!!!!!!! HA! how sanguine of you!
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