I had hoped to have a video or two to share, but I'm having issues with Movie Maker. So, in lieu, a few pictures and a couple stories.
Evelyn was given a "Dora Dance Adventure" kit for her birthday. Here she is in the outfit that came with it. It is way to big, but she doesn't seem to mind. She has a blast dancing along with the maracas. I think her favorite part is the pirate dance. "Yo Ho Ho Ho, we're doing the pirate dance!" She swings her arms side to side and bounces up and down.

We played princess with her dress up stuff from her Grandpa and Grandma. She had to get her rocking horse in on the fun too.

She loves to look in her view master. I can remember loving my own little orange one when I was 3 years old too. Some times, she just explores and examines the disks without the viewer.

We have been having some deer visit us on a regular basis again this winter. Evelyn has called one of them "Co-Co Deer". It is pretty cute to hear her ask "Is it Co-Co Deer coming to eat?" each time I tell her I see a deer in the yard. I love that they come. We don't have any precious plants for them to destroy, so they are welcome to munch on whatever they want. Their favorite is our old grass clipping pile. Here she is looking at the Deer.

I have been doing a bit of organizing in our basement. I cleared out and set up a little "Hidey-Hole" under the stairs for Evelyn. She thinks it's pretty cool. We had a little tea party picnic for her Dollies. The doll in the yellow sleeper was my own special doll when I was little. I called her 'Baby Brenda'. I think she has faired well over the years.

She decided to have a little sleep over with her teddies. A little later, I set up a tent from a blanket and let her 'nap' in her camp-out.

No real reason for these pics. I decided to try to get a close up of their faces last week, then realized the resultant pic was very similar to one I had taken when Ethan was only a couple weeks old. Just the roles have been reversed!

I love the face Ethan is making here. He had more fun than I expected playing with my dish cloths. I think part of the fun was that he knew he had filched them from my laundry basket. Forbidden fruit can taste so sweet...

Ack! Ethan! What happened? (I'm obviously unconcerned enough that I snapped this pic before I went to his aide.) This is our makeshift tandem sled. Evelyn rides on the black one that is towed behind the wooden one. It works really well actually. Except, that is, when Ethan gets tipped back...

This is just a cute pic I wanted to share. Ethan has just cut a molar, and another is closely behind. That brings his total of teeth to 5 (almost 6). So, he has his 4 front teeth (2 up, 2 down) and his Left upper 1st molar. A bit odd as far as teething goes, but then again, just about anything goes in teething... He sure is drooling a lot!

Finally, "Peek -A - Bum!" Ethan is a pro at standing up now. We are still waiting for that first step though. It should be any time now... He is almost 15 1/2 months old! It's gotta be soon.... I think Evelyn was 15 months and 3 weeks when she walked. I'll keep you posted!
Great update Bev....thanks!
LOL!!! peek-a-bum!!!! HILARIOUS!!! Love that pic! HAHAHAHA!
Your daughter is BEAUTIFUL! Kids just LOVE little spaces. I think it makes them feel safe- their size. Love the tea parties! Look at all those dolls lined up- does she do that herself? B lays hers down.
LOL about the sled! HAHAHa... yes, the pics we take while our children are.. well.. indisposed!
Ethan is just TOO cute. :)
Love the roll reversal pic too teehee! Kids are funny!
Thanks Bev. They are growing so fast. I'd miss so much if you didn't post pictures!!!! More more more please!!!!
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