took the kids to the school for their annual Halloween Costume Parade. It was fun. Ethan got scared by Ryan. He had dressed in a 'Wookie' mask with crazy hair and Ethan got spooked. I was asked to judge the costume contest, and neither of the kids won ;-)

Ethan had to have a nap at around 4 pm, so he slept until almost 6 pm. I took Evelyn trick or treating without him. We went to about 6 or 7 houses. It took us almost an hour to do those! (We walked) We had fewer kids than last year. Probably around 40.
Evelyn was more excited about handing out candy than she was about getting it. When the cars pulled into the drive way, she would start yelling "The kids are here!" "Trick or Treat!" "Can I give out the candy?" We let her give out the candy a couple times, but she was so generous, we would have run out if she continued. She just dug both hands into the candy bowl and scooped a huge pile into the kids sack.

Ethan was SO cute dressed as the frog prince. When I got him dressed, I held him in front of the mirror. He started to giggle and waved his froggy hand at himself. He kept giggling in the car too because he could see his face in a little mirror on the seat back.
Evelyn was so excited to be "dora the explorer" she wanted me to help her do the dance Dora does, and she got dressed in her costume about 3 hrs early. She looked a bit odd as a blue eyed Dora though and did not get many "Oooh's" or "Aaaw's". (Ethan got lots though). I dressed as a clown. A very yellow clown. Evelyn had fun wearing some of my costume too.

I went to bed by 9:30 and slept until 12:15, when, I was woken by Evelyn telling me she wet the bed. So, I changed all that, got her settled, and tried to go back to sleep. I kept coughing and could not settle again, so I moved to the couch/ so I would not wake Ryan. By around 1:30 am, I had finally fell asleep again. Then, at 2 am, Evelyn gets up and wants to pee. I don't think she actually did, but I was up and getting her settled again regardless. I think I fell asleep again around 2:45 am (the coughing started again) and was woken around 4 am by Evelyn (again) she was just calling out and asking for hugs and stuff. At 5, 6, and 7, Ethan woke up and cried for a few minutes, then settled again. Yes, he settled, but I still woke up! Argh! It was a very long night.

I have an interview with the manager of the Boyle hospital today. I think it is more of a welcome meeting. They really need nurses. I think I will start orientation next week. There is a trauma nurse course at the end of the month that I want to attend. And there will be an ACLS (advanced cardiac life support) [I get to learn how to shock people] course offered soon too. FUN!

Ryan has been 'stealing' Evelyn's nose lately. This evening, after supper, he told her he could not give her nose back because he ate it. Evelyn promptly replied "You need to spit it up!"
Ethan has started to mimic us saying "Uh-Oh!" He has yet to initiate it and use it in context, but we are getting closer to talking!
Yes, that is VERY yellow! ADORABLE froggy there! haha! Where did you get that costume? I can imagine E being an exuberant candy dispenser! Very cute!
I hope you get a good solid night of sleep tonight! Honey and cinnamon in hot water can calm a bad cough pretty quick (use enough cinnamon).
ps. If you sleep far enough away from the kids you can't hear them and won't wake up ;) LOL!
Love the costumes. The frog prince is so Ethan and of course what else would Evelyn have liked to been but Dora. Hope you get over that darn cough. Seems to last forever. Love and Kisses to all
Great costumes Bev! In this day and age, we can take lots of pictures, and those pictures of the kids Halloween costumes are fabulous!
I keep meaning to send you a picture of winter here in Prince George! It has arrived for sure! time to get out the snowshoes and x-country skis!
I identify with the sleepless nights! Hope you are better soon.
Love the costumes! You guys look great!
Thanks so much for the card and pix! Casey loved the stickers on the envelope and proceded to put them all over my face!
I Love the costumes, Ethan's frog prince is so sweet, and Evelyn looks so cute in the dora wig! Glad I caught up with you now - looking forward to more posts! Jenn
Thanks for posting a great blog!!
It looks like you had a great time. :)
Just so you know, D has learned how to navigate Blogger world and loves this page with all the pics. He and B sit there and run through the videos and exclaim at every picture, "Oh! It's Evelyn (or ethan). Isn't s/he cute?!"
SOOO Cute froggy picture! oh my goodness, he is so adorable!!!
and you look great as a clown Bev!
I have just got to say that I'm amazed that it's WINTER in prince george!!! I feel like fall has just started!! and that is so cute about D watching E and E on the blog! so sweet :)
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