(The new look is a response to my frustrations over formatting changes from the draft to published versions of my posts. This layout shows up almost exactly the same as the way I laid it out.)
Ethan has taken a liking to the sock monkey that I made him. I think he specifically likes the monkeys ears... He giggles when I make it dance above him by jiggling it too. Really though, I just like the pictures.
The other day, Evelyn enjoyed a very leisurely bath while floating on her back. I Liked how her hair floated around her. She stayed in the water for almost 45 minutes. The picture of her wrinkly hands shows the results of her lengthy soak.

I tried to get some Christmas pictures of the kids. Ethan co-operated a little bit, Evelyn not at all. These are the best of the bunch. You can look for them soon in your Christmas card!
Ethan is starting to walk along the walls while just touching his hands against the wall. He also crawls properly (on his knees instead of his belly) almost all the time now. He is basically weaned completely. He never asks to nurse, and seems to prefer the bottle to me! So, that was easy!

Evelyn has taken my return to work very easily. She bids me a cheerful goodbye in the morning and welcomes my return home with the question "Did you have a good day?" When our babysitter(s) leave, she wants to know when she can see them again. Ethan is usually asleep when I leave, but cries as soon as he hears my voice when I get home.
I have done 2 shifts on the floor and 1 orientation day. So far, it is going well!

Okay, so, this is the part where you leave a comment saying how adorable my kids look and how you just LOVE this one or another picture in particular... You know the drill. I want to hear it!
Well, I beat you and everyone else to it! I already made a "Cute kid" comment on facebook!
Not much has to be said about cute cus we all know they are so cute and beautiful. The pictures are great. Thank you
Beautiful Pics!! Ethan is so adorable with his little monkey and sort of toothless grin! haha
Evelyn- is she being primarily uncooperative or contemplative? B/c the one where she is on an angle is really great simply b/c she isn't looking at the camera! I'm going to show the pics to the kids... then I'll post what they say!
D say's, "Gross! He's chewing on his monkey! I like dat one (of the two kids looking at each other)"
Appropriate comments were made through out the blog such as, "Ohh! Cute! Ethan! Cutie!" Or "Awww..."
Evelyn is very un-co-operative with pics of late. She intentionally looks away when you want to take her picture.
Thanks for the comments!
I can't believe you are at work again already. It sure is nice the kids like their babysitter!!
I thought all the pictures were great, but especially like the one with them both. I agree with Annie. Evelyn's pictures are great.
YUPPERS!! They are adorable. Looking forward to your card...and the pictures YOU choose.
HAHAHA!!! I love the last one!!!
they are super adorable!
and you're back working? that's great! glad that E is doing so well with it; that's a blessing.
oh! and I like the new format!
great subtitle!
Glad to hear work is going well! And Yes you have cute kids!
Of course they are super cute. I love the frog prince costume!!!! My fav picture is the one of them together. They just love each other. Its sweet!!! Keep the pics coming!
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