I just completed a Trauma Nursing Core Skill course over the weekend. It was really interesting and I think I will find the skills applicable on almost a daily basis. There was a written and practical skill evaluation at the end. I was anxious about the skills, but I passed it! Yah!
We had reached the 20 min mark by the time I took this picture. Evelyn is in a very cranky mood. She is crying at me "don't take a picture of the snowman!".
If you are thinking to yourself "She looks a bit green between the eyes" you are not seeing things. She somehow managed to make the bridge of her nose contact the edge of the coffee table. She was leaning on it with her knees on the couch and elbows on the table, next I know, she has a big scrape and bruise. No bleeding, and no pain after a few minutes, nothing moves that shouldn't, so I'm sure it is not broken.
In this picture, she is enjoying a piece of Halloween candy. She loves the suckers the most. I have been impressed by how readily she shares her treats with us. As soon as Ryan or I finish our supper plates, Evelyn will pipe up and ask "Do you want a Halloween treat?" Then she will go and pick one out for us.
Ethan is crawling like a pro now and is very fast. We played catch with the nut necklace. He was really into the game because of the neat sound that the nuts made when they hit the floor.
He has also started to give out hugs to Ryan and gets really excited to see him. He can stand on his own for about 2 seconds. And he is working on how to climb out of the playpen he is closer to success on that front than I am comfortable with.
He and Evelyn have started to play together for up to 20 or 30 minutes without any issues or screaming. Most of the time Evelyn does not want him near her, so she has taken to closing the door to her room and playing for a long time in there. We have decided to allow her to have that alone time and not force her to play with her little brother.
This conversation just happened about 5 minutes ago:
Me: It's lunch time and Ethan is still napping. Ella, would you like to go wake up Ethan?
Evelyn: Mmm Hmm! I love Ethan!
she pitter patters down to his room, opens the door and says "Good morning Ethan! Did you have a good sleep? It's lunch time now!" Then, speaking to me "Ethan had a good sleep." Then, speaking to Ethan, "I love you Ethan!"
Now, I have to go and feed them.....
These are some pics of the view from our back, front and side yards with a close up of an old dog house roof to show the snow accumulation.