The adventures of the Cracknell family as we enjoy our small life.
Monday, 4 June 2007
This past week....
Here is a video to sum up our week in only 2 minutes and 20 seconds!
Evelyn had a few rough days with potty training, but is on track again. She was even dry one morning! Her new motivator is Jelly Beans. She gets one when she uses the potty. She spends about 2 minutes (no exaggeration) choosing which colour she wants. Then, she spends about 5-10 minutes just eating the Jelly Bean! She licks it, she takes a little nibble out of it, she licks it some more... Her fingers and face become stained with colouring... But, she is going consistently. I can put up with sticky red and green fingers if it means no diapers!
We sowed a little flower box with a "butterfly blend" of seeds. It has only been a couple days, and they are already sprouting! I was not sure how they would do because Evelyn dug her hands in and scooped out a bunch of dirt (and seeds) after we had planted them. I scraped as much back in as I could. I am looking forward to seeing what happens.
Ethan has been a real grouch. I palpated his lower gums and felt a bump. So, I think he is teething. Poor kid. I think Evelyn had it easier when she teethed late. I also think he is starting to have separation anxiety. He puts up a real stink when he is left in the living room by himself.
Aside from that, Ethan is improving his sitting skills. He can now sit without hands for a few minutes and has even been able to chew a toy while sitting. Ryan and Evelyn are trying to get him to say "Ba". He has mimicked them a few times.
Evelyn did some colouring this morning. Like many a child before her, the marker caps became 'fingernails'. I remember doing the same thing. I put nail polish on all her nails on Saturday, and she proceeded to colour her nails again with the markers. Good thing they are washable and come off easily!
I set up our hose sprayer to be like a sprinkler and let her play in the mist on Sunday. She enjoyed that. The mist made a nice rainbow.
Oh, speaking of Rainbows! Wow! We had a brilliant double one over the weekend. On the inside arch of the more intense one, the spectrum actually started to reverse and mirror itself. Ryan took a couple pictures.
That is all I can remember. The video fills in the gaps and tells the funny stories.
AWESOME Video!!! LOVE IT! I love his growls! Such a boy thing! And E sure likes to do things like bake and play make-believe. Maybe she can teach B that!! Haha! Good job ella on the potty! I can't believe she takes so long eating a single jelly bean! B swallows j.beans whole. Beautiful Rainbows! That's incredible! Busy week with your babies! Good job mama!
Sorry to hear Ethan is no a very happy camper. Good job on the potty Evelyn. Just to let you know Ryan's old rocking chair had a bit of an accident today. I was getting something down from a shelf and slipped and fell on it. To say the least it is now in pieces. Take care and love and kisses to all.
D likes visiting your blog! He clicks on all the videos and watches them two or three times in a row so he doesn't miss anything. teehee! He can't wait to play with the kids!
oh my goodness! that is an awesome video!! so many great moments! man, like the finger and toe sucking moment - that's cute. and mr eathan's growl!!! ha! he is so expressive in everything - the little hand motions, the looking at the shadows...
AWESOME Video!!! LOVE IT! I love his growls! Such a boy thing! And E sure likes to do things like bake and play make-believe. Maybe she can teach B that!! Haha!
Good job ella on the potty! I can't believe she takes so long eating a single jelly bean! B swallows j.beans whole.
Beautiful Rainbows! That's incredible!
Busy week with your babies! Good job mama!
Sorry to hear Ethan is no a very happy camper. Good job on the potty Evelyn. Just to let you know Ryan's old rocking chair had a bit of an accident today. I was getting something down from a shelf and slipped and fell on it. To say the least it is now in pieces. Take care and love and kisses to all.
hey mr.cracknell your video of your kids is pretty weird but there so cute well bye also great site!!! :)
GReat video. Casey loves watching them.
Loved the video! Awesome rainbow! Your kiddies are so cute in the pictures!
awww, very nice post bev, the kids look so CUte!
D likes visiting your blog! He clicks on all the videos and watches them two or three times in a row so he doesn't miss anything. teehee!
He can't wait to play with the kids!
oh my goodness! that is an awesome video!! so many great moments! man, like the finger and toe sucking moment - that's cute. and mr eathan's growl!!! ha! he is so expressive in everything - the little hand motions, the looking at the shadows...
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