The adventures of the Cracknell family as we enjoy our small life.
Saturday, 23 June 2007
Nana and Papa visit
Ryan's mom and step-dad came for a short visit from Monday night to Friday morning. Evelyn really enjoyed the extra attention and special Nana time. Ethan was not sure what to make of his Papa and kept giving him these intense and serious stares.
While they were here, they replaced our back stairs and deck. What a huge help for us. When we were removing the old ones, I realized the extent of how unsafe they were. We are lucky they did not collapse while we were on them! The new stairs are very well built, wider and have a larger landing at the top. I think we will be able to fit a BBQ on there when we get one. They look pretty nice!
I played softball on Thursday night and got my first run! The game was forfeited because we did not have enough players show up. But, we borrowed from the opposing team and played a fun game anyway. We actually won the game (but it won't count).
Yesterday, I did 6 loads of laundry, de-cluttered the house, and baked a few dozen rhubarb muffins. I really like this new recipe I found online. Very yummy. I should post it. Today, I had a little photo shoot with Ethan. Now that he sits up pretty well, I was able to get some more interesting shots. They are at the end of the video, but here are a couple of my favorites.
Evelyn has had a big setback on the potty. I think it was the visiting and being so busy playing in the dirt while we worked on the stairs. We will have to regroup and start over. (I washed 12 pairs of her pants that were from a 5 day time span!)
Enjoy the video!
Great Video, Bev! Looks like you had a great visit!
Oh my goodness!! I LOVE ethan's pix!! Those are amazing. I love the way you have one of them almost exactly like evelyns! That's really neat! Those monster Ba-Ba's are hilarious!! And it's really great how you put the words that Evelyn is saying over the video so we can 'hear' them. Nice stairs! :) And good job at home!
Great Video, Bev!
Looks like you had a great visit!
Oh my goodness!! I LOVE ethan's pix!! Those are amazing. I love the way you have one of them almost exactly like evelyns! That's really neat!
Those monster Ba-Ba's are hilarious!! And it's really great how you put the words that Evelyn is saying over the video so we can 'hear' them.
Nice stairs! :) And good job at home!
Family is GREAT! What a treat to get the stairs done!
I love the video! The kids are so cute it just makes me laugh!
You will treasure those super shots of Ethan!! What a sweetheart.
The kids love the video! B keeps saying 'baby!baby!'
ahh! that is so great! I think my favorite one is the "drooly boy" photo!
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