Okay, I have lived in Alberta for about 6 years now, but, this winter seems to be hanging on longer than usual. I am so restless and anxious for spring.
This was the view from our front window on Saturday.
We had a good run of +10 temps and even a couple rain/slushes. The snow is s l o w l y melting away. We are down to about 20 cm. We had over 3 feet in the drifts and about 2.5 feet all over. I am done with it. I have had enough! Our 'road' is a muddy quagmire, I still can't see any grass, and all the melt freezes into a skating rink at night. WHERE ARE THE APRIL SHOWERS!

This is our version of a picnic. Indoors. Evelyn loves to set up picnics. She will move everything around to different locations about 4 times a day. Sometimes 'Teddy' is the guest of honor, sometimes it is 'Dora', other times it is Ryan or me. Sometimes we have lunch on a blanket on the kitchen floor, but, it gets a bit messy.
SNOW??! Still? Oh man! Too bad! I hope you get really warm weather this week!
E is so cute! I can imagine her little picnics!
funny how K had a picture of a picnic outside and you inside. I understand about the weather, being a fellow AB. Our snow melted almost completely here in Beaumont, then this morning there was a new 4 inches!
Our snow is almost totally gone. Finally! This winter seems to be hanging on for everyone in the north. It'll be over soon, I promise...
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