"Dan-ol and Bwee-ann napping!" Says Evelyn. I took them out to join our tea party later this morning and Evelyn got upset that I had disturbed their nap! Thank you Auntie K. Evelyn loves her little playmates!

Many of you may think Ethan is a chubby guy because of his large birth weight. I thought I would post this pic from last night to show that he is really a long and lean eating machine! He LOVES having baths and has never cried during a bath (except for his very first one in the hospital).
I read your post to D and when I clicked on the picture of ethan he asked,"Is that an eating machine?" HAHA! kids come up with the funniest things! Glad Evelyn likes her new dollies! :)
Ethan isn't so much 'chubby' as he is solid. I think solid is a good adjective. It's great having healthy kids!
Ha Ha! That is SO funny!... eating machine...ha ha ha... Very cute D!
Love the dollies! What a great idea! It's WONDERFUL to have a healthy eating machine! (even if they keep you awake) I am really looking forward to seeing you all in the summer!
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