Thursday 22 March 2007

The Artist is in the house!

Evelyn expressed her artistic side on Monday. We have finger painted with 'Colour Wonder' paints before, but only once have we used real paints. I noticed that 'colour wonder' paints don't keep their colour for very long, and I wanted some art that would last.

She loved squishing the
paint on the paper and would try to pick the paint up like a cheerio rather than dipping her finger in it. Many of her pictures went un-named, but there were several "Bouncy Ball's" and a 'But-a-fwy' (butterfly). Evelyn loves having her hand prints done and we also did some foot prints too. Her feet have really grown the past 6 months or so. I got a foot print of Ethan too and a squished hand print.

After the finger painting, we switched mediums to felt pens. Ethan got involved with the felts too and created his own masterpiece. I put the pens in his hand, but he did all the drawing!

When the drawing fun was done, I brought out the play dough. Evelyn loved cutting out the little shapes and then stacking the 'cookies' on the back of her hand. I think she imagined they were
stickers. We rolled out 'worms' and then I made a little dog with a ball, which later morphed into a penguin-looking-duck with an egg. Evelyn had fun making the dog chase the ball and the duck eat the egg.

While we were doing all this, Ethan was happily playing in his exersaucer, drooling and making monster noises. I can't remember Evelyn ever making noises like Ethan does. He makes these growls at the back of his throat and then makes a 'awrh!' sound. It must be a hard-wired boy thing! He likes to put washcloths in his mouth and has become an accomplished thumb sucker too.

Today, we are doing laundry, cleaning the bathroom, and vacuuming. Evelyn loves to be my helper and will switch over the laundry from the basket to washer to dryer to basket again. She knows to stay out of my way when I fold. I am a bit anal about how the clothes are folded. She tries to help vacuum too by holding onto the handle and moving it with me. When she tires of that, she usually will ride the canister and follow me around on it.

Tomorrow, we are going to Edmonton to buy a car seat/ booster for Ethan. He is already too long for his infant seat. I am not sure how I will manage grocery shopping and errands without the seat for him. I think I will have to use my backpack carrier and hip hugger carrier a lot more often. Evelyn was 8 months old when she out grew her infant seat. She was able to sit on her own, so she could sit in the grocery cart or on the floor when we were out. What am I going to do in a restaurant? Or church?

Anyway, time to go make lunch. "cot-cheese!" (cottage cheese) is the requested item, maybe some KD with tuna too....


A Place of springs said...

glad to see you started a blog!!! Looks like fun at your place!

Annie said...

Love the art!! Yes, boys have an entire different range of nasal/guttural sounds than girls!
Love reading your blog!

Anonymous said...

By the time I kave Kids, I'll have learned a lot from you and Karissa! Love the art work...

Annie said...

Haha, I keep coming back to look at the picture of your gummy little boy! those teeth come in so quickly! It's great to see a toothless grin (or pout whatever the case may be!)

Ruth said...

LOOK at those sweethearts!
Fun stuff! Don't they love that art? Nice hand and foot prints too! Great read! Thanks, B.

(sorry about the "Nana and Grandad" thingy:)

Sarah said...

sounds like a happening house!! 3 types of crafts in one day, AND a ride on a vaccumm cleaner! wow!!!