I also got to spend lots of time chatting with Bettina, Ruth and Alanna.
The best part of the weekend was the food. Amazing, beautiful meals, and the best part: not prepared by me! Coming in as a close second, the singing and music was so inspiring. It was simple and heart felt. I loved to pause and listen to the voices of about 150 women raised in praise of our Father. Third best thing, the weather! It was perfect! Fourth best thing, would be the relaxed pace and atmosphere of relationship building over activities. Coming in a close fifth (the spread between 1st and 5th is very small) was the speaker Hilary Price. She talked about the Psalms. The best part of her talk (for me) was when she literally took Psalm 23 (The Lord is my shepherd....) and went through it from the view of a sheep. The photos and historical info related to shepherding brought so much depth to the metaphor of the Psalm.
This photo was taken by Bettina. I love how she got the oyster shells in the foreground.
A: Attachers. Oysters, mussels, barnacles and anenomies fit in this category.
B: Burrowers. Clams, gooey-ducks, and other creatures that dig themselves under the sand fit in this category.
C: Crawlers. Crabs are an obvious creature, but starfish also fit in this category.
D: Drifters. Jellyfish are one example.
S: Swimmers. Fish and mammals like otters would fit in this category.
I will have to share the ABCD'S with Juliana! I love how you are always excited to learn new things. Great to hear about your life in June! It is also interesting to hear about the newest things the kids are doing. Juliana loves Tuna sandwiches too!
You would have loved this retreat Jen. Maybe another year...
It was a great time together and wonderful to spend time with you.
Love your pictures and your summary.
Fantastic weekend! It was great to spend some quality time with you, Bev!
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