Our Garden also has frogs. At least 8 of them. They are tiny, about the size of your thumb, but they are LOUD. Very, very loud. They've been mating lately and we had several of these gelatinous egg pods floating in the ponds. I say HAD because I have removed almost all of them. I left one pod to see how it will do. The Tadpoles will be a good science project for the kids too. I just don't want too many more of these tiny silence breakers. I've started wearing ear plugs every night just so I can sleep!
In other news, I've been sick. I missed 3 days of work, actually I had to leave part way through one shift. Turns out I have strep throat. On the plus side, I feel almost totally better now, and I found us a Family Doctor! So far, no one else at home has gotten sick, and I'm sort of on a light isolation, but I don't wish this illness on anyone, so I will continue to hold back on my kisses and keep hugs etc to a minimum. Ethan has developed a touch of allergies. His eyes puffed up for a couple days, but have been good now for several days, so I think it is only an allergy to one specific tree or plant pollen. We are thankful that it has settled down now. I don't know what any of the 3 flowers below are called.
These fine specimens are on the bushes in front of the house. Again, I don't know what they are. I actually didn't expect the bushes to flower. They're wonderful!
I may have to print some of these photos! They would make great pictures for the wall!
Nice to see some updates. Great pictures in all three posts. Also good to see that you are enjoying your garden.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!! I love all the pictures on your past 3 blogs!
The flowers are wonderful. Was it a surprise to see them all come up seeing as it's your first spring there?
The beach pictures are so great. So nice to get out and do those hikes and walks.
Wow! Very impressive flowers.
Starting bottom right to the left is grape hyacinth, crocus (no surprise) and the flowering bush is camelia. I LOVE those. They are the roses of spring.
And the only other ones I know are the primula and hyacinth.
I can't believe the frogs are that loud.
There is another post that is hidden in the 'older posts' I'm not sure why, but I couldn't make it come up to the front page. It's skiing photos.
Wow, gorgeous flowers! That science experiment will go over great with the kids. I remember being fascinated with tad poles!
SO tempted not to leave a comment after thumbing your nose at me AGAIN!!!! :P :P :P
It looks like you bought a property with Butchart Gardens as a backyard!
I'm hoping I have time to pop in for a few minutes on the way down Island Monday just to see the Cracknell Gardens!!
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