(250) 802-0556 This is our new cell phone. We decided to get a plan, rather than pay as you go. So, calls to this number will cost us less $. The other # still works, and can also be used 250 668 3422.
We are settling in well. We went and visited Grandma and Grandpa yesterday. They are both doing better, though Grandma is still in some pain.
While heading through Langford, we saw a twin bed frame on the road with a 'free' sign on it. Sweet! We were looking for a frame for Ethan's bed! It's solid wood and was at one time the top of a bunk. I think it will work out very well (once we move)...and... you can't beat that price!!!!
We went to the beach and had a hot dog picnic on Friday evening. What a treat! - And it was just a bit down the road!
Today, we visited First Baptist Church. We'll try another church each week for a little while and then go back to the ones we liked best until we decide on a new 'home'. It was nice to be in a church again. It was odd to think that Ethan is essentially 'un-churched'. Evelyn went to sunday school with the school aged kids. Ethan chickened out and refused to stay with the preschoolers. He did AMAZINGLY well staying in the service with us.
Ethan's feet have grown a full 2 sizes over the spring/ summer. We looked for some runner for him today, but couldn't find any that were flexible, nice looking, in our budget, and did not have any characters on them. We shall continue to look... He's in size 11-12!
Evelyn got her first pair of special big girl dress up shoes today. They are white, glossy sandals with little wedge heels and she LOVES them. They were only $7!
Ryan went to see a movie this afternoon, and the kids helped me vacuum and clean the inside of the car. We scrubbed everything! Now, the exterior needs a wash...They sprayed off the floor mats, and helped load everything into the house that was in the back of the car (including Ethan's new bed) and then got to the work of imagining. The kids pretended they were a cat and dog and were in a cage in the back of the car. It kept them occupied!
I hope you can find a church soon! We were at Central for the first time in a month this morning and it's so refreshing having a "home" to come back to! Happy shoe hunting!
Very glad your grandparents are doing better!
Great find!! Good prices!
:D I'm convinced the kids especially grow in the sunshine :D
Man- your boy is growing!!! I have a difficult time finding runners at that age too. you may want to order them online. We scored at winners once for D.
Sweet on the bed frame!
That's an awesome find! And your kids are such great helpers!
Can you believe you're that close to the ocean? what do the kids think of it?
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