Ethan got a massive burst of energy at the idea of being outside and being allowed to be noisy and boisterous and he took off down the road. If you click on this picture to make it bigger, you can just see him in the distance. I sent Evelyn running after him. Despite repeated (hoarse) commands to "Stop", he kept going. Eventually, he stopped just before the main road and waited for us to catch up. He must have sprinted about 400 m! Now, in my house the command "Stop" is serious. The kids know they need to obey that one right away and I only use it when they are in an unsafe situation. Lets just say that when I caught up with my little runaway and discussed this with him, he readily accepted his discipline without any fuss. He knew he had done very wrong. (I was very impressed with his speed and endurance though!)
We enjoyed our time at the playground and I got some good photos of the kids. This one of them on the Teeter-totter made me think about how much they have grown since we've lived here. The first pics I have of them on the playground are from when Evelyn was 10 months old, and Ethan was 5 months old. (LOL! They look the same size!)
For full effect of the ferocity of his face, click on the wide pic to enlarge it.
After we got home, Evelyn and I had a 'Princess makeover Tea Party'. I put eyeshadow on Evelyn and we both dressed up in dresses and had raspberry tea, cookies, and Smarties while we watched 'Enchanted'. Ethan got to participate in the tea and goodies and movie too.
Finally, Miss. Alaina came over for supper and she treated both kids to bedtime stories. Ethan was so excited and engaged in the books, and then he fell right asleep! Evelyn followed him a few minutes later. They were both totally out by 8 pm. So Ryan and I watched a chick flick he was sent to review (When in Rome) which had funny moments, times of awkward writing and iffy acting, and other solidly good scenes. On the plus side, it had no swearing, and nothing more than kissing. I'm not quite sure whether to say it was good, or sucked. It was very inconsistent in it's quality, but overall, I liked it.
So here I sit at 11:30 pm, still very awake. In the last 24 hrs, I've logged 8 hrs of work, 3.5 hrs of sleep, and a full day with lots of memories. Aside from hacking up my lungs on a frequent basis, I feel pretty good! It's been a full, and enjoyable day!
You're setting a good example for me of maintaining a positive attitude in the midst of discomfort. Sounds like a beautiful day - need to take advantage of those while we can! Hope you feel better and can get some sleep soon!
I love the picture of the kids now and when they were babies. Have you really live there that long? Beautiful comparison!
Did you have any luck with surveying the property line?
We enjoyed a beautiful day outdoors yesterday as well. Great to have an update again!
No luck finding surveyor spikes yet. I did call the original survey company though. Talked to a very helpful guy, but he said the lines were all in angles, not actual measurements. So, we may end up having to be surveyed again, but our Realtor is trying to get some survey from the county first. The people who looked seem very interested and serious. They plan to come and dig a hole to see what the soil is like etc...
Wow! 5 comments already and I haven't even got on here! :)
I LOVE the pic of the kids on the playground. So awesome that they cooperated for the photo! (one of my problems right now!) I can't believe those kids are 5 months apart in those photos. Ethan is HUGE! LOL
And I laughed about Ethan carrying that stick- so typical! HAHA
It feels so nice to soak up the sun on a warm day. Almost makes up for no sleep- why were you up at 11:30 though? yikes!
Beautiful! What a wonderful day!! What wonderful pictures! Love the ones comparing the kids. You have been north for a long time! I really like the one where they are against the sky too.
God keep you in His care as you look forward to moving and all that brings.
Sounds like a wonderful day! Great pictures. I hope everything works out with selling the property.
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