Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Read A Thon

Thank you to all who donated to Evelyn's read-a thon. It went well! Evelyn raised $81 toward the class field trip at the end of the year.

My 'Little Sister' and I read a few books to the class. She did a really great job reading and kept the kids involved and interested. This was the best I had ever heard her read, so I'm very proud of her.

One of the community members who has a small menagerie brought in a de-musked skunk! She (the skunk) was named 'Stinkerbelle' and she had just come out of hibernation. I learned that once a skunk sprays, it takes several days before they can do it again. Also, during the winter, they hibernate but will rouse for short periods, go outside to forage, and will empty their musk glands before returning to hibernate. That explained the occasional skunk smell I'd encountered over the winters!

Evelyn was really into the skunk and could explain what hibernation was, and could name some of the things that skunks eat. She is my little science buff - I love it!

On another topic, the snow is beating a hasty retreat now (even in our yard!) With temps in the 10 - 14 range all week, I think it may leave for good! I took Ethan for a walk when I got back from the school. We saw some pussy willows starting to bud, and one neighbor is starting to set up his green house.

Ethan is determined to start a rock collection. He had not yet clued in that I toss whatever rock he brings into the house back outside as soon as he's lost interest in it.

Tomorrow is the 100th day of school for Evelyn's class. She needs to bring in 100 0f something. I thought about pennies (our babysitter Serena's idea) but decided to do gummy bears instead. The highlight for Evelyn is that the class will now have a pet fish. She has been telling me about the coming fish for months. I think it will be a guppy.

Tomorrow is also the Easter Party for playgroup. So, anyone who knows anyone in the Boyle area with pre-school kids, tell them to come and join us tomorrow!

This past Friday, I went to Bonnyville to do an exam for certification in ACLS. That was very stressful! 2 of my co-workers also came and we all were exhausted by the end. At least I managed to pass (just) so have my certification for another 2 years.

Over the weekend, I painted all the burgundy out of the house. Now, everything is primarily tan/beige coloured. The entrance look so much brighter, and the dining area looks more modern. My trim has arrived and the counters come at the end of next week. I still need to paint the kitchen a darker gray and paint the kids rooms, finally, install the trim and counters then I WILL BE DONE!

We are still waiting to hear about jobs for us. Waiting.... I got a few names from an old friend who knows someone who works in Nanimo. I'll investigate further tomorrow. So, we are preparing, but are not definitely going anywhere as of now.

This weekend we plan to head to Lloydminster to visit the Brands for Easter. That should be a lot of fun.

That is pretty much all the news from Caslan!


Annie said...

Great newsy update! It's got a lot of information packed in there. I had to read it twice :)
Seeing a de-musked skunk is quite the experience! I laughed about the rock collection... same thing happens around here!
Good job on all the painting! I'd love to see pics of the final product!
And have an awesome time at the Brands this weekend!

Ruth said...

Thanks for the newsy blog! It's great to hear of all you are up to. We really hope you hear something positive in regard to jobs soon.


Ruth said...

Have a wonderful Easter!

Jenn said...

ACLS is that your nursing certification? I bet you are glad to have that over with for a couple years now! Looking forward to seeing you, Ryan and the kids!

BevC said...

Yes, ACLS is Advanced Cardiac Life Support. It's basically CPR with Drugs and figuring out why they needed CPR in the first place!