Thursday, 3 December 2009

Some clips of Ethan


Annie said...

Awesome video clips! What a great 'reader!' It's wonderful to share the gift of reading so early!
I see what you mean about the stuttering. I spoke to my friend who is a speech therapist for children. Stuttering at the beginning of sentances is perfectly normal at his age (30months-4.5 years). Apparently their brains are formulating what they want to say and the motor control for their mouths is slower than what their brain is processing (going through the three sections of speech processing before reaching the lip/tongue control)
B/c girls have better fine motor control (even of tongue and lips)and seamless access between brain hemispheres they experience less stuttering. Like a brain hiccup!
D went through that- exactly like ethan. And I remember Casey doing it too. They grow out of it!
It's so cute to listen to though :) What a great stage. Ethan is such a gem!

BevC said...

I remember Casey going through the stutters at the beginning of his sentences. I knew from him that it was a phase. I like Ethan's fierce face when he says 'mean car'.

Sarah said...

he is so cute! I love how he is not at all shy in front of the camera!
and he looks like such a little man! on one hand, it's amazing he's so big already, and on the other, his features look like he is even older than he is!

Ruth said...

Thanks for the great blog. Ethan three hard to believe. Seems like very normal speach develpment. I love the way he wants to help. I am sure he will be a tall boy. Thanks for sharing the blog and pictures.

Love Grandad.

Tasha said...

Very cute! He should come and read to Hannah! :)