Her teacher is Miss. Megan Devereaux, the aide is Mrs. Irene Gautier. Her class has about 14 students. Evelyn is one of the youngest kids in the class.
The first day, she was the class cryer. Here's some of the highlights of the day as told by the staff at the school.
Near the beginning of the day, the kids had snack. Evelyn had a granola bar and drink that I sent with her. The school also provides a snack for the kids. Evelyn noticed that one of her table mates did not have a snack. She raised her hand and asked the aide Mrs.G (who related the story) to help her open her granola bar and could she "Please break it in half so my friend can have some too". I understand that Mrs. G had to fight back tears and happily obliged.
A little later, Evelyn used the washroom and closed the stall door (as I had told her she needed to do!) Well, the door got stuck and she called for help. The story I got from Mrs.G was this "I heard this little 'Excuse me! Excuse me! I need help' coming from the washroom and found
As the day ended, the kids lined up for each of the busses. This was the point when Evelyn remembered/was reminded that she was not riding the bus yet (we still had to set that up) . The story I got from Ryan was this: "As I walked down the hall, I could hear some wimpering, like she was trying not to cry. Robin (the counsellor) indicated that I should just keep going, so I tried not to look at her as I walked past. But I could see her sitting in the bottom of her locker, with just her legs sticking out trying so hard not to cry, but with her bottom lip quivering." She was pretty devastated, but got to visit in Daddy's office after her class got on the bus.
She later shared that her favorite part of the day was looking around the school for the racoon stuffy that was sneaking from place to place. This was a clever activity Miss.D planned to show the kids around the school. Rather than a tour, they went on a racoon finding adventure.
The next day was better, with only one episode of tears when she did not win a game that the class played. She still wanted to ride the bus, but understood that it would be a few days until we got it settled. She again changed into PJ's as soon as she got home, and wanted a snack and quiet time for about an hour. We talked about feeling happy for the person who wins and practiced saying "Congratulations! I'm happy for you". She stated that there were no favorite parts of this day. Loosing at the game and not riding the bus again overpowered all the positives.
The third day was better yet. No crying at all! She even won a game of freeze tag during gym and did a good job in her Metis Culture / Jigging class. Her favorite part of this day was winning the freeze tag game.
He is determined to be in as many pictures with Evelyn as possible, but he just stands there looking stubborn and sad. As you can tell from the bundled up 'hank' clutched closely to his chest and the hood on his head, Ethan was feeling a little uncomfortable with this new change too.
I managed the first day with only a few tears welling up in my eyes, (when I read the note her teacher sent home with me) but none shed. I felt listless and unfocused and very introverted for the first couple days. Evelyn's teacher gave each parent who dropped off their child a little baggy with a cotton ball, tissue, and a tea bag. It also included a note which I will include here:
"Dear Kindergarten Parents and Guardians,
Here is a little 'gift' for you as you leave your precious one with me on the first day of school. As you hold this cotton ball in your hand, the softness will help you to remember the gentle spirit of your child. After you've gone home and dried your tears, make yourself a hot cup of tea. Put up your feet and relax. Remember that together you and I will work for your child to be the best they can be. Thank you for entrusting your child to me for the coming school year. I will do my very best evert day to be your child's guide in learning and exploring this bright, new world they've just stepped into. Sincerely, Miss. Devereaux"
Her teacher is wonderful, I am totally confident in her abilities and passion for her profession.
The most common response I've recieved from others when I tell them Evelyn is going to Caslan school is reserved and surprised. The schools reputation is not great. I am, however, at peace with our decision to send her there.
I will continue to work on printing and reading etc with her after school. Not because I'm trying to counter some deficiency in her schooling, but because that is what a concientious, caring parent does! (I will admit though, my passion lies in biology and science more than printing!) We've been learning about mushrooms, dragonflies, and the aurora borealis lately. Basically, whatever we encounter, that she asks questions about, we look for more info. I love this organic learning and plan to continue enriching her experience with the world in this way.
Great post, Bev! I loved the part where she shared her granola bar. It's not very often that a child realizes someone else's need other than their own. I remember wanting to ride the bus when I was a kid, too, but I never lived far enough away from school. Sounds like she has a wonderful teacher.
Great to see some pictures. Also to again hear your heart and vision for Evelyn being at Caslan school this year. Can't wait to hear more stories of her Kindergarten.
Beautiful pictures! What a great first week at school :) I think it's good that she has a self-appointed down time!
Kind of neat that Ethan gets 100% of your attention for a little while!!
Cute pic of Ethan in his hanky sweater holding hank! haha
So glad to see some pics and to hear what has happened the first week. Can't wait to hear more. Love and kisses to all.
Wow, what a post. Evelyn will soon adjust. Its nice to see she has such a giving personality. I think most adults would have issues with bathroom doors that don't open. She appears to have a wonderful understandng teacher. That is a great encouragement. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Another chapter in your family. I am sure Ethan will learn to cope. He certainly looks sad in the picture.
Love Grandad.
that's really need how you're teaching her. that picture of the two of them is really telling. and I love the close up shots of Evelyn! she is such a doll, so photogenic - just like her mom!!!
I love your long, detailed posts bev! you take such time and care in writing them. makes me feel like I'm there! maybe I will get to see you and the little ones again soon! I thought of you as I flew (briefly) out and into Calgary! it is really BIG!!!
yeah that is really nice that Evelyn is settling in to an after-school downtime routine. that is a good thing for all of us to do! my dad used to have a little nap after coming home from work - 'resting his eyes' he called it :)
oh, and that is SO SWEET about her sharing her granola bar with her friend!
oh, and it sounds like she has a really nice teacher! her love language must be words of encouragement! and maybe physical touch!!! that is the sweetest thing that she wrote for evelyn about everyone needing a hug sometimes :)
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