Thursday, 18 June 2009


Math skills. Sorting, colours, shapes names, and seeing how the shapes relate to each other. We also practiced asking for the shape you want rather than just taking it.

Printing and math. Evelyn works on the number 7. Ethan practices using a pen, then wiping the card clean and doing it again.

Cutting. Evelyn is getting much better at this.


Annie said...

Yay for school! Looking great!
What kind of workbook do you use for letters and numbers? I see Evelyn is still using Kumon cutting book! And that sorting game is REALLy great!
My kids favorite is making letters in a sand tray.

A-J said...

Great pics! It's so interesting watching kids learn how to hold a pencil and use it properly, isn't it?

Dawne said...

You are such a good mom. They'll be ahead of all the kids at school! Keep the cute pics and stories coming. Or just move home!!!

BevC said...

She is using a 'dora' math workbook for the numbers. She gets frustrated with it and gives up after one page. But, it's 'Dora' so she keeps coming back for more.

We also have the Kumon Tracing and capital letters book that she works on a bit too. She can write an 'H' and 'I' on her own now. It's coming along. I wonder if she'd like writing in the sand. She liked writing in the snow with a stick during the winter.

Anonymous said...

Good Work Evelyn and Ethan!

Ruth said...

I'm sure they love being occupied and having mom's attention! I loved watching the kids making new discoveries about their abilities.


Annie said...

Another idea is wooden letters from the Dollar Store. They can be punched out and traced or colored on, played with... Those really helped D.
I taped them on a chalk board and D copied them with chalk. Fun!
Math can be very frustrating b/c it's symbolic. She may not make the connection for a couple more months between the number of objects (ie: two) and the symbol two.
Perhaps using beads to count each day as a game (up to number 9) should help cement the symbols. (count three beads and then write the number three)

Tasha said...

Sounds like fun!! Are you homeschooling? Can't wait to see you guys!

BevC said...

'school' is like a game that we play. I'm the teacher and Evelyn works on some of her work books and plays with some of the manipulatives Ryan has picked up, and then we do a Q&A at the end with these quiz cards someone gave us. It usually lasts about an hour total, after that, she has lost her concentration. I find it quite tiring too.

Sarah said...

oh, VERY cute! nice play by play of their school day!
wish I could be there to play!
yes, school does require a lot of 1:1 effort by mom! and inspiring ideas too! are you using a cirriculum? is E actually in school yet, or are you just doing this for fun?

Brandee said...

Great ideas. I will keep this in mind for a few years from now.

R. Duckie said...

Hi Bev - I just wanted to stop by and say hi - sorry I didn't get a chance yet- I found your blog also on Facebook :) That's where I got the idea to put mine there too - didn't know you could do that before! Your Kids look so gorgeous and healthy, hope you're enjoying Alberta! Sounds cold to me!

Sarah said...

hellooooooooo friend!!!! any new posts coming soon? you must be a busy mommy or maybe your camera broke :)