He is studying the back of a 'Dora' book and looking at all the other books available. The look on his face makes it seem like he's cramming for an exam! He has started to really like watching and reading 'Dora' books. I think it is in part Evelyn's influence, but also the simplicity of the stories and repetition.
He has started to use possessive pro-nouns in his sentences. Instead of saying "put coat on now" He will say "I put MY coat on now" or instead of saying "drink juice" he'll say "I drink my juice". He is expressing more complex ideas in his speech and is saying longer sentences and stringing 2-3 short sentences together (paragraphs!) It's fun to listen to him talk with Evelyn. They have real conversations now and will disagree and talk it out.
I am very excited that we have an appointment for our new windows to be installed. They called today, and plan to install on Wednesday! They had to wait for the temps to go above -10. So, PTL, we are above -20 today! I cleaned all the junk out of the car - finally - because it was warm enough to be able to spend the 10 min outside to clear it out! This has been a VERY LONG cold spell.
I start my new casual position tomorrow morning. I think it will go well. I think it will be pretty easy and low stress too!
Evelyn turns 4 in a week. I had hoped to have her party on Saturday, but I'm not sure if any of her friends can actually come. Hmmm, I'm not sure what we'll do - I guess a family party. I feel a bit disappointed. I wanted this to be a special birthday for her. Ideas anyone?
aww, so sweet!!! you really captured some precious moments there Bev!!
as for birthdays, my mom always used to do make your own pizza birthdays. and we decorated our own loot bags too. what else? she made streamers hang from the light in the centre of the room to all of the sides and the corners, so that it looked like a carnival. that was pretty cool.
I suggest celebrating on June 12th instead of Jan 12th! It's only 6 months later and you have great weather!! :D HHAHAHA
BEautiful pics of ethan. It totally looks like he is studying for an exam! He looks so serious! What a beautiful boy.
Yay for new windows!
And Yay for new job! Tell us how it goes!
ps: this is driving me nuts whenever I check blogs I'm signed in as my mom... arg!
That's the deleted comment. :)
I had a good laugh looking at Ethan studying his Dora book. Concentration is such a good thing at that age. Good job Ethan!!
Maybe a cake and happy birthday at play school? Glad to hear the windows are finally arriving.
Awesome pictures, Bev!! Hope you get some guests at the birthday party. Hurray for new windows...when we replaced our very large patio door with a double paned smaller patio door it made an incredible difference to the warmth of the kitchen in the morning.
Birthday in Victoria!!!!! Check your mail for presents!!!
Ethan the scholar! What university will you enroll him in?!!! :)
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